
11th Annual Golf Outing Includes Surprises

It was a beautiful day at Riverton Golf Club for the 32 people who participated in the 11th annual RIT OSHA Education Center golf outing. And yes, the team of Mike Stratton, Bob Kirchgessner, Bob Upton, and Mike Scime won first place again. Congratulation to them, and especially to Mike Scime who also won Men�s Longest Drive. Beyond that, we mixed it up a little this year. We had 9 people joining us for the first time. Abby Cantwell, Brian Michel, Jarred O�Dell, Robert Picardo, Ernie Sweet, Meg Walbaun, Ron Williams, Chris Williams, and Kate Winter. The second place team was comprised of Robert Picardo, George Glamos, Ernie Sweet, and Nick Donofrio. The third place team, making the road trip from Syracuse, was Charlene Schmidt, Scott Schrilla, Brenda Moskal, and Dave Heckman. Charlene also won Closest to the Pin. Sincerest thanks goes out to all our OSHA partners, instructors, customers, outreach trainers, and colleagues for your support. You are appreciated!

First Place Team - Even score
Mike Stratton
Bob Kirchgessner
Bob Upton
Mike Scime

Second Place Team - Even score
Robert Picardo
George Glamos
Ernie Sweet
Nick Donofrio

Third Place Team - Even score
Charlene Schmidt
Scott Schrilla
Brenda Moskal
Dave Heckman

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