Test Prep

Test prep is more than studying the night before a test. It takes time and attention over the course of a semester. Properly preparing for an exam can help curb text anxiety and build confidence.

In-Person Services

 Academic Coaching

Drop-in for one-on-one coaching in the Bates Study Center in Gosnell Hall or the Sol Study Center on the first floor of Sol Heumann Hall. Find support with time management, organization, project management, test preparation, and or general study strategies. Walk away with some practical tools and strategies as well as a greater awareness of helpful resources on campus.
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 Success Courses

Support your learning by improving your study strategies, habits, and awareness. These zero-credit courses allow you to practice and develop your time management skills, study skills, and academic organization all with the support and feedback of an instructor.
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 Supplemental Instruction

Take a proactive approach to your courses and try an SI session. For those who are enrolled in supported sections of traditionally challenging courses, these biweekly sessions can help increase your understanding of the course material, improve your study skills, and potentially earn a higher grade. Conducted by a peer leader, who had previously completed the course, these structured one hour sessions encourage collaboration to identify what to learn and how to learn it.
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On-Demand Resources


A collection of worksheets is available for download.
Study Tool Kit Handouts


The Academic Success Center offers a series of videos on test prep skills.