Faculty Scholarship 2018

Office of the Associate Dean of Research

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Mel Chua

Office of the Associate Dean of Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2018 Submissions

Journal Paper

Chua, Mel. "What is Engineering?: a Graphic Essay of Tech and Philosophy." Murmurations 1. 1 (2018): 44-61. Web. ˜

Published Conference Proceedings

Chua, Mel, Ian Smith, and Samir Jain. "Alternate-Universe FIE: An Engineering Education Conference Session from a World Where the Majority of Engineers Are Deaf." Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education, October 4, 2018, San Jose CA. Ed. Cynda Covert. San Jose, CA: IEEE, Web. «

Dannels, Wendy A., Joseph Stanislow, and Mel Chua. "Visual Signaling for CMM Machines: A Case Study of Deaf Gain in Manufacturing Engineering Education." Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition. Ed. Yalcin Ertekin. Salt Lake City, UT: IEEE, Web. «

Stanislow, Joseph, Wendy A. Dannels, and Mel Chua. "Adding Visual Signals to Machine Shop Equipment: A Case Study of Deaf Gain in Engineering Education." Proceedings of the ASEE St. Lawrence Section Conference, Ithaca NY, April 20-21, 2018. Ed. Tracy Nathans-Kelly and Kathryn Dimiduk. Ithaca, NY: ASEE St. Lawrence Section, Web. *

Published Game, Application or Software

Lerner, Miriam, et al. ASLCore Engineering and Computer Science Branches. Software. NTID. 2018.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Chua, Mel. "Universe Hacking: How "The Open Source Way" Can Remake Our Realities." FOSS@MAGIC Monthly Talks. FOSS@Magic. Rochester, NY. 7 Feb. 2018. Lecture.


Chua, Mel and Stephen Jacobs (2019). Conceptual Mismatches. Grant proposal submitted to Digital Infrastructure Research RFP, Ford Foundation (in conjunction with Sloan Foundation). ≠

Kurz, Christopher, et al (2018-2019). Languages of Interactive Flexible Technology-World Around You. Grant proposal submitted to Sign On For Literacy, All Children Reading. ≠

Dannels, Wendy, et al (2018-2020). Augmented Reality: Accessible Dynamic Informal STEM Learning for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. Grant proposal submitted to AISL, NSF. ≠

Chua, Mel, et al (2018-2020). Transgressive Narratives of Deaf Engineering Identities in American Engineering Cultures. Grant proposal submitted to SPDI, NTID. ˜

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Lisa Elliot

Research Associate Professor
Office of the Associate Dean of Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2018 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Stinson, Michael, et al. "Knowledge Building and Problem Solving in Teams with Hearing, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Postsecondary Students." AERA Annual Meeting. AERA. New York City, NY. 16 Apr. 2018. Conference Presentation. *

Gehret, Austin and Lisa Elliot. "Online Solutions for Deaf and Hard of Hearing STEM Learners." 2018 PKAL Ohio Regional Conference. AAC&U. Alliance, OH. 19 May 2018. Conference Presentation. *

Elliot, Lisa, et al. "Breaking Grounds: A Qualitative Analysis of Online Tutoring Sessions." NTID Student Research Conference. RIT/NTID. Rochester, NY. 13 Apr. 2018. Poster Session. ˜

Elliot, Lisa B. and Rebecca Carpenter. "Synchronous Online Tutoring for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students: An Analysis of Observed Functions." NTID Scholarship Symposium. RIT/NTID. Rochester, NY. 11 Dec. 2018. Conference Presentation. ˜


Huenerfauth, Matt and Lisa B Elliot (2018-2021). Collaborative Research: Automatic Text-Simplification and Reading Assistance to Support Self-Directed Learning by Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Computing Workers. Grant received/funded by Division of Intelligent Information Systems, NSF. ≠

Huenerfauth, Matt and Lisa B Elliot (2019-2022). CHS: Medium: Design Parameters for Automatic Speech Recognition Applications for Communication Between People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Small Groups of Hearing Colleagues. Grant proposal submitted to Cyber-Human Systems, NSF. ≠

Elliot, Lisa B (2018-2020). DCL: NSF INCLUDES EAGER: A Study of Online Scientific and Scholarly Communities for Broadening Participation in STEM. Grant received/funded by Division of Human Resource Development, NSF. ≠

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Robert Pollard

Office of the Associate Dean of Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2018 Submissions

Book Chapter

Dean, Robyn K. and Robert Q Pollard Jr. "Promoting the use of normative ethics in the practice profession of community interpreting." Signed Language Interpreting in the 21st Century: An overview of the profession. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2018. 37-64. Print. «

Jr., Robert Q Pollard and Meghan L. Fox. "Language deprivation in forensic settings." Language Deprivation in Deaf Mental Health Care. New York, NY: Routledge, 2018. 214-226. Print. ∆

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Pollard, Robert and Robyn Dean. "Clinical Information and Work Strategies for a Practice Profession." Mental Health Interpreter Training. Alabama Department of Mental Health, Office of Deaf Services. Montgomery, AL. 31 Jul. 2018. Guest Lecture. ∆

Pollard, Robert. "Forensics and the Deaf Population: Challenges and Strategies for Interpreters and Clinicians." Mental Health Interpreter Training (Alumni Session). Alabama Department of Mental Health, Office of Deaf Services. Montgomery, AL. 30 Jul. 2018. Guest Lecture.

Pollard, Robert. "A Psychologist’s Journey in Academia." Professional development. University of Rochester School of Medicine. Rochester, NY. 1 May 2018. Guest Lecture.

Pollard, Robert. "“Deaf Culture” What is it? Why is it? And why Should it Matter to me?" Professional development. University of Rochester School of Medicine. Rochester, NY. 4 Apr. 2018. Guest Lecture.

Pollard, Robert. "An Introduction to Deaf People, Interpreting and Nursing." Cultural Inclusion Sub-Council. University of Rochester School of Medicine, Department of Nursing. Rochester, NY. 16 Jan. 2018. Guest Lecture.

Dean, Robyn K. and Robert Q Pollard Jr. "Mental health interpreting: Clinical information and work strategies for a practice profession." Melbourne Area Interpreteters' Training Event. School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linquistics at Monash University. Melbourne, Australia. 15 Nov. 2018. Guest Lecture.

Jr., Robert Q Pollard. "An introduction to deaf people, interpreting, and psychiatry." Continuing Education, Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester Medical Center. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 23 Oct. 2018. Guest Lecture.

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Scott Smith

Research Associate Professor
Office of the Associate Dean of Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2018 Submissions

Journal Paper

Hall, Wyatte C., et al. "Considering Parental Hearing Status as a Social Determinant of Deaf Population Health: Insights from Experiences of the \"Dinner Table Syndrome\"." PLoS One 13. 9 (2018): e0202169. Web. «

Biskupiak, Andrew, Scott R. Smith, and Poorna Kushalnagar. "PrEP Knowledge and Perceived Effectiveness to Reduce HIV infections among Deaf Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men." LGBT Journal. (2018): TBD. Print. «

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