Faculty Scholarship 2014

Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics

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Quang Bui

Associate Professor
Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Bui, Q., (2014). Patterns of Enterprise Architecture Implementation: Lessons Learned from 50 U.S. State Governments. SIM Academic Workshop, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).

Invited Article/Publication

Lowry, P., Twyman, N., Pickard, M., Jenkins, J., & Bui, Q. (2014). Proposing the Affect-Trust Infusion Model (ATIM) to Explain and Predict the Influence of High- and Low-Affect Infusion on Web-Vendor Trust. Information and Management. 51. 579-594.

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Sean Hansen

Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Full Length Book

(2014). Management, Valuation, and Risk for Human Capital and Human Assets: Building the Foundation for a Multi-Disciplinary, Multi-Level Theory. Pierce, E., & Hansen, S.

Book Chapter

(2014). The effect of virtual work environments and social systems on human capital and assets. Management, Valuation, and Risk for Human Capital and Human Assets: Building the Foundation for a Multi-Disciplinary, Multi-Level Theory. 59-90. Pierce, E., & Hansen, S.

Published Conference Proceedings

Hansen, S., & Lyytinen, K. (2014). Requirements Computation: Analyzing Requirements Evolution across Development Paradigms.. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS'14).

Invited Article/Publication

Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2014). The Community Source Approach to Software Development and the Kuali Experience. Communications of the ACM. 57. 88-96.

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Rick Mislan

Senior Lecturer
Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Paugh, K., Mislan, R., & Tom, O. (2014). Virtual Malware Analysis Framework for Android in an Educational Environment. 9th International Conference on Cyber-War and Security.

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Rajendran Murthy

Associate Professor
Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Sashittal, H., Hodis, M., & Sriramachandramurthy, R. (2014). Is Your Brand a Living Entity?. Sloan Management Review. 55. 95-96.

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Victor Perotti

Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Kelly, R., Quagliata, A., DeMartino, R., & Perotti, V. (2014). Deaf Workers: Educated and Employed, but Limited in Career Growth. International Congress on the Education of the Deaf.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Perotti, V., (2014). Are Disciplines Too Specialized?. Kern Symposium.

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Bryan Reinicke

Associate Professor
Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Cummings, J., & Reinicke, B. (2014). Enterprise SNS Use and Profile Perceptions: A Comparison of Cultures. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS'14).

Invited Article/Publication

Reinicke, B., & Cummings, J. (2014). Can Social Media aid Software Development?. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research. 7. 56-64.

Edwards, W., Gebauer, J., & Reinicke, B. (2014). White Space Networks: Architecture, Application, and Opportunity. IEEE Computer. 47. 64-71.

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Qiang Tu

Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2014 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2014). Institutions Coming Together � - The Community Source Approach to Software Development and the Case of Kuali. Communications of the ACM. 57. 88-96.

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