Faculty Scholarship 2023

School of Physics and Astronomy

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Nicola Lanata

Assistant Professor
School of Physics and Astronomy
College of Science

2023 Submissions

Journal Paper

Lee, Tsung-Han, Nicola Lanatà, and Gabriel Kotliar. "Accuracy of ghost rotationally invariant slave-boson and dynamical mean field theory as a function of the impurity-model bath size." Phys. Rev. B (Letter) 107. (2023): L121104. Print. *

Lanatà, Nicola. "Derivation of the ghost Gutzwiller approximation from quantum embedding principles: Ghost density matrix embedding theory." Phys. Rev. B 108. (2023): 235112. Print. *

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Shima Parsa Moghaddam

Assistant Professor
School of Physics and Astronomy
College of Science

2023 Submissions

Journal Paper

Datta, Sujit S, et al. "Lab on a chip for a low-carbon future." Lab on a chip 23. (2023): 1358-1375. Print. *

Lima, Nicolle, et al. "Foam formation during drainage of a surfactant solution in a microfluidic porous medium model." Nature 13. (2023): 21802. Print. ˜

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Ke Xu

Assistant Professor
School of Physics and Astronomy
College of Science

2023 Submissions

Journal Paper

Awate, Shubham, et al. "Impact of Large Gate Voltages and Ultrathin Polymer Electrolytes on Carrier Density in Electric-Double-Layer-Gated Two-Dimensional Crystal Transistors." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15. 12 (2023): 15785-15796. Web. * £

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Benjamin Zwickl

Associate Professor
School of Physics and Astronomy
College of Science

2023 Submissions

Journal Paper

Verostek, Mike, et al. "Making Expert Processes Visible: How and Why Theorists Use Assumptions and Analogies in Their Research." Physical Review Physics Education Research 18. (2022): 20143. Web. *

Alaee, Dina Zohrabi and Benjamin M. Zwickl. "Challenges and Outcomes in Remote Undergraduate Research Programs During the COVID-19 Pandemic." Physical Review Physics Education Research 19. (2023): 10135. Web. *

Leak, Anne E., et al. "Contextualizing and Integrating Practices: Reclaiming Authenticity Lost from Translating Workplace Engineering Practices into K-12 Standards." Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research 13. 2 (2023): Article 2. Web. «

Book Chapter

Zwickl, Benjamin M., Victoria Ikoro, and Saalih Allie. "Characterizing Lab Environments Using Activity Theory." International Handbook of Physics Education Research: Teaching. Ed. Mehmet Fatih Taşar and Paula R. L. Heron. Melville, NY: AIP Publishing, 2023. 1-30. Web. ∆

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