Faculty Scholarship 2015

Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences

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Sandra Connelly

Principal Lecturer
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

Connelly, Sandra J, et al. "UV-Stressed Daphnia pulex Increase Fitness through Uptake of Vitamin D3." Plos One. (2015): 0-0. Web. *

Connelly, Sandra J. "Transpiration & Chemical Vapors." National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. (2016): 0-0. Web. «

National/International Competition Award Winner

Connelly, Sandra J. Online Learning Consortium. Effective Practice Award. Dallas, TX, 2015. ˜

Connelly, Sandra J. Online Learning Consortium. 2015 Sloan-C Effective Practice Award. Orlando, FL, 2015.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Connelly, Sandi and Jeff Mills. "Non-tasters vs. Super-tasters The Chemistry and Biology of Your Favorite Foods!" Faculty Showcase. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 14 Jan. 2015. Lecture.

Connelly, Sandra J and Jeffrey L Mills. "Non-tasters vs. Super-tasters: The Chemistry and Biology of Your Favorite Foods!" Science Exploration Day. Central Western Section of the Science Teachers Association of NYS. Rochester, NY. 15 May 2015. Lecture.

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Mary-Anne Courtney

Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

Courtney, Mary Anne and J. L. Baker, J. Branches, R.C. Faustoferri, C.L. Hubbard , J. Lemos , M.A. Courtney, R. Quivey, Jr. "Transcriptional profile of glucose-shocked and acid-adapted strains of Streptococcus mutans." Molecular Oral Microbiology 30. 6 (2015): 496-517. Print. *

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Feng Cui

Associate Professor
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

LoVerso, Peter R and Feng Cui. "A Computational Pipeline for Cross-Species Analysis of RNA-seq Data Using R and Bioconductor." Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 9. (2015): 165-174. Print. *

LoVerso, Peter R, Christopher M Wachter, and Feng Cui. "Cross-species Transcriptomic Comparison of In Vitro and In Vivo Mammalian Neural Cells." Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 9. (2015): 153-164. Print. *

Norouzi, Davood, et al. "Topological diversity of chromatin fibers: Interplay between nucleosome repeat length, DNA linking number and the level of transcription." AIMS Biophysics 2. 4 (2015): 613-629. Print. *

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Maureen Ferran

Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Full Length Book

Skusa, Gary R and Maureen C Ferran (Eds). Cardiomyocytes. Methods in Molecular Biology. Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press, 2015. Print.

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Karl Korfmacher

Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

Korfmacher, Karl, J. Scott Hawker, and James Winebrake. "Transportation Activities Associated with High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing Operations in the Marcellus Shale Formation." Transportation Research Record 2503. (2015): 70-80. Print. «

Published Conference Proceedings

Korfmacher, Karl, Scott Hawker, and James Winebrake. "Analysis of Environmental and Infrastructure Impacts of Transportation Activities Associated with High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing Operations in the Marcellus Shale Formation." Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 13, 2015, Washington DC. Ed. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, Web. *

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Carmody McCalley

Associate Professor
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

Hodgekins, Suzanne B., et al. "Soil Incubations Reproduce Field Methane Dynamics in a Subarctic Wetland." Biogeochemistry 126. (2015): 241-249. Print. *

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Dina Newman

Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Newman, Dina L. and Ricki Lewis. "Teaching Foundational Concepts in Genetics Through Primary Literature." Undergraduate Faculty Genetics Education Workshop. American Society of Human Genetics. Baltimore, MD. 6 Oct. 2015. Lecture. ∆

Cardenas, Jordan, et al. "Arrows, Arrows, Everywhere in Biology Drawings." Fall Paper Session. Rochester Academy of Science. Canandaigua, NY. 7 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation. *

Jasmi, Jasrina Mohd, et al. "Evidence of Student Learning with Interactive Video Vignettes in Biology." Fall Paper Session. Rochester Academy of Science. Canandaigua, NY. 7 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation. *

Fisk, J. Nick, et al. "Analysis of Results from the Central Dogma Concept Inventory." Fall Paper Session. Rochester Academy of Science. Canandaigua, NY. 7 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation. *

Newman, Dina L., et al. "Teaching Meiosis Brings Together Concepts from Four Different Areas." 65th Annual Meeting. American Society of Human Genetics. Baltimore, NY. 9 Oct. 2015. Conference Presentation. *

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Michael Savka

Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

MA., Gan HM, Gan HY, Ahmad NH, Aziz NA, Hudson AO, Savka. "Whole Genome Sequencing and Analysis Reveal Insights into the Genetic Structure, Diversity and Evolutionary Relatedness of LuxI and luxR Homologs in Bacteria Belonging to the Sphingomonadaceae Family." Front Cell Infect Microbiol. Jan 8. 4:188 (2015): 1-14. Web. * ∆

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Gary Skuse

Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Full Length Book

(eds), Skuse, G.R. and Ferran, M.C. Methods in Molecular Biology: Cardiomyocyte Science. volume 1299 ed. New York, NY: Humana Press, 2015. Print.

Journal Paper

Skuse, Gary R. and Anne M. Burger. "Justice as Fairness: Forensic Implications of DNA and Privacy." The Champion. (2015): 24-35. Print. *

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Susan Smith

Associate Professor
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

Seewagen, Chad, Michale Glennon, and Susan B. Smith. "Does Exurban Housing Development Affect the Physiological Condition of Forest-Breeding Songbirds? A Case Study of Ovenbirds (Seiurus Aurocapillus) In the Largest Protected Area in the Contiguous United States." Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. July/August (2015): 1-. Print. *

Pagano, Todd, et al. "Exploring Nutmeg’s Intriguing Place in History using Narrative and Project-Based Approaches in the Science Laboratory." Journal of Laboratory Chemical Education 4. 1 (2016): 9-18. Web. *

Smith, Susan B., et al. "Local site variation in stopover physiology of migrating songbirds near the south shore of Lake Ontario is linked to fruit availability and quality." Conservation Physiology 3. 1 (2015): cov36. Web. *

Pagano, Todd, Annemarie D. Ross, and Susan B. Smith. "Undergraduate research involving deaf and hard-of-hearing students in interdisciplinary science projects." Education Sciences 5. 2 (2015): 146-165. Web. *

Smith, Susan B., Annemarie D. Ross, and Todd Pagano. "Chemical and biological research with deaf and hard-of-hearing students: ensuring a safe and successful laboratory environment." Journal of Chemical Health and Safety 23. 1 (2016): 24-31. Web. *

Journal Editor

Pagano, Susan Smith, ed. Condor: Ornitholgical Applications. Petaluma, CA: Central Ornithology Publication Office, 2015. Print. *

Smith, Susan B., ed. Northeastern Naturalist. Steuben, ME: Eagle Hill Institute, 2015. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Pagano, Todd, Annemarie D. Ross, and Susan B. Smith. "Ensuring a Safe and Successful Research Laboratory for Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Undergraduate Students." International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies. American Chemical Society. Honolulu, HI. 15 Dec. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Carrington, Calvin and Susan B. Smith. "Effects of Fruit Nutrition and Biochemistry on the Physiological Condition of Wild Birds." 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Boston, MA. 17 Aug. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Smith, Susan B., et al. "The Importance of Fruit Resources for Migrating Birds during Lakeshore and Urban Stopovers: A Case Study in Western New York State." Joint Meeting of Association of Field Ornithologists/Canadian Society of Ornithologists/Wilson Ornithological Society. Acadia University. Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, Nova Scotia, Canada. 17 Jul. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Pagano, Todd, et al. "A New Method for the Nutritional Characterization of Wild Fruits for Migratory Birds." Joint Meeting of Association of Field Ornithologists/Canadian Society of Ornithologists/Wilson Ornithological Society. Acadia University. Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. 17 Jul. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Smith, Susan B., Charmaine R. Merchant, and Allyson C. Miler. "Physiological Condition of Migrating Birds near Lake Ontario and the Importance of Fruit Resources." 15th Northeast Natural History Conference. Society of Northeastern Biologists. Springfield, MA. 19 Apr. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Seewagen, Chad, Michale Glennon, and Susan B. Smith. "Exurban Development Does Not Impact the Physiological Condition of Ovenbirds in the Adirondack Park." 15th Northeast Natural History Conference. Society of Northeastern Biologists. Springfield, MA. 19 Apr. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Oberkircher, Meghan, Calvin Carrington, and Susan B. Smith. "Seasonal Variation in Energetic Condition and Chronic Stress in Three Species of Neotropical Migratory Songbirds." 15th Northeast Natural History Conference. Society of Northeastern Biologists. Springfield, MA. 19 Apr. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Saless, Rachel E., et al. "Biochemical Analysis of Bush Honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.) Red and Orange Color Morphs." 15th Northeast Natural History Conference. Society of Northeastern Biologists. Springfield, MA. 19 Apr. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Carrington, Calvin and Susan B. Smith. "Effects of Native and Non-native Fruits on Plasma Metabolites in a Captive Migratory Songbird." 15th Northeast Natural History Conference. Society of Northeastern Biologists. Springfield, MA. 19 Apr. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Sood, Harshita, Morgan Bida, and Susan B. Smith. "Investigating Annual Variation in Fruit Quality Using Multidimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy." 15th Northeast Natural History Conference. Society of Northeastern Biologists. Springfield, MA. 19 Apr. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Smith, Susan B., et al. "New Spectroscopic Method for Characterizing the Nutritional Quality of Fruit Resources Available to Wildlife in a Western New York Habitat." 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Denver, CO. 26 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Wink, Gloria, et al. "Measuring the Emission Efficiency and Nicotine Delivery of Electronic Cigarette." 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Denver, CO. 26 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Pagano, Todd, Annemarie D. Ross, and Susan B. Smith. "Research and Cooperative work Experiences for Deaf and hard-of-hearing Undergraduate Students in the Sciences." 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Denver, CO. 25 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Ross, Annemarie D., Susan B. Smith, and Todd Pagano. "Outreach and Educational Programs for Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Students in the Sciences." 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting. American Chemical Society. Denver, CO. 25 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation.

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Julie Thomas

Associate Professor
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

He, Xinyi and Victoria Hull, Julie A. Thomas, Xiaoqing Fu, Sonal Gidwani, Yogesh K. Gupta, Lindsay W. Black and Shuang-yong Xua. "Expression and purification of a single-chain Type IV restriction enzyme Eco94GmrSD and determination of its substrate preference." Scientific Reports 5. (2015): 9747. Print. *

Hardies, Stephen C. and Julie A. Thomas, Lindsay Black, Susan T. Weintraub, Chung Y. Hwang, Byung C. Cho. "Identification of structural and morphogenesis genes of Pseudoalteromonas phage φRIO-1 and placement within the evolutionary history of Podoviridae." Virology 489. (2015): 116-127. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Thomas, Julie A. and Coll, A., Bosch, M., Adams, L., Benitez, D., Aguilera, E., Coulibaly, A., Cheng, N., Wu, W., Steven, A.C., Weintraub, S.T., Hardies, S.C. and Black, L.W. "Exploiting Mutational Surrogacy to Study Head Morphogenesis of Giant PhiKZ-related Phages." Evergreen International Phage Meeting. Evergreen State College. Olympia, Washington. 6 Aug. 2015. Conference Presentation.

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Anna Tyler

Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

R, Morgan R Bida, Anna Christina Tyler, and Todd E Pagano. "The Influence of Watershed Land Use on the Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter Entering Conesus Lake, NY." Journal of Great Lakes Research 41. (2015): 730-742. Print. *

Reynolds, Laura K, et al. "Grazers control nitrogen fixation by eelgrass epiphytes in a temperate coastal bay." Marine Ecology Progress Series 526. (2015): 11-19. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Tyler, Anna Christina, et al. "Evaluating the potential impacts of bioturbation on ecosystem recovery in freshwater and marine estuaries." Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. Portland, OR. 10 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Williams, Taylor E., Anna Christina Tyler, and Kimberly A. Lodge. "Does organic carbon amendment alter plant community composition in created wetlands?" Rochester Academy of Sciences. Rochester Academy of Sciences. Canandiagua, NY. 7 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Lodge, Kimberly A and Anna Christina Tyler. "Community interactions and nutrient cycling in created emergent freshwater wetlands." Rochester Academy of Sciences. Rochester Academy of Sciences. Canandaigua, NY - New York. 7 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Moranz, Kaitlyn E. and Anna Christina Tyler. "Can Native Shrubs Limit Invasion of Restored Wetlands by Opportunistic Invaders?" Rochester Academy of Sciences. Rochester Academy of Sciences. Canandaigua, NY - New York. 7 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Border, Charles, et al. "Ecological Impacts of Carbon Fullerenes." Rochester Academy of Sciences. Rochester Academy of Sciences. Canandaigua, NY - New York. 7 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Tyler, Anna Christina, et al. "Improving control of invasive plants in created wetlands using organic matter addition." Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting. Society of Wetland Scientists. Providence, RI. 2 Jun. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Tyler, Anna Christina. "High Acres Nature Area: a model for successful conservation through academic-corporate-volunteer partnerships." New York State Wetlands Forum Annual Meeting. New York State Wetlands Forum. Syracuse, NY. 14 Apr. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Kuntz, Kerry and Anna Christina Tyler. "Detention ponds as ecosystems in developed landscapes: biodiversity and the effect of bioturbating invertebrates on the biogeochemistry of man-made ponds." New York State Wetlands Forum Annual Meeting. New York State Wetlands Forum. Syracuse, NY. 14 Apr. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Harrison, Melissa Maurer, et al. "Variability in the phenolic content of invasive and non-invasive emergent wetland plants." New York State Wetlands Forum Annual Meeting. New York State Wetlands Forum. Syracuse, NY - New York. 14 Apr. 2015. Conference Presentation.

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Leslie Kate Wright

Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
College of Science

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

Wright, Leslie Kate. "Building a Model of Tumorigenesis: A small group activity for a cancer biology/cell biology course." CourseSource 2. (2015): 1-6. Print. *

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