Faculty Scholarship 2016

Department of English

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Cecilia Alm

Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Guo, Xuan, Qi Yu, Rui Li, Cecilia O. Alm, Cara Calvelli, Pengcheng Shi, Anne Haake,. "Intelligent medical image grouping through interactive learning." International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 2. 3 (2016): 95-105. Web. £

Li, Rui, Pengcheng Shi, Jeff Pelz, Cecilia O. Alm, Anne R. Haake,. "Modeling eye movement patterns to characterize perceptual skill in image-based diagnostic reasoning processes." Computer Vision and Image Understanding 151. (2016): 138-152. Web. «

Alm, Cecilia O. "Language as sensor in human-centered computing: Clinical contexts as use cases." Language & Linguistics Compass: Computational & Mathematical 10. 3 (2016): 105-119. Web. *

Published Conference Proceedings

Terkik, Andamlak, Emily Prud’hommeaux, Cecilia O. Alm, Christopher Homan, Scott Franklin,. "Analyzing Gender Bias in Student Evaluations." Proceedings of the COLING, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers. Ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al. Osaka, Japan: n.p., 2016. Web. *

Liu, Tong, Christopher Homan, Cecilia O. Alm, Megan Lytle, Ann Marie White, Henry Kautz,. "Understanding Discourse on Work and Job-related Well-being in Public Social Media." Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Ed. Antal van den Bosch et al. Berlin, Germany: n.p., 2016. Web. «

Bullard, Joseph, Cecilia O. Alm, Xumin Liu, Ruben A. Proano, Qi Yu, . "Towards Early Dementia Detection: Fusing Linguistic and Non-linguistic Clinical Data." Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality (at NAACL 2016). Ed. Kristy Hollingshead and Lyle Ungar. San Diego, USA: n.p., 2016. Web. «

Oak, Mayuresh, Anil K. Behera, Titus Thomas, Cecilia O. Alm, Emily Prud’hommeaux, Christopher M. Homan, Ray Ptucha,. "Generating Clinically Relevant Texts: A Case Study on Life-changing Events." Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality (at NAACL-HLT 2016). Ed. Kristy Hollingshead and Lyle Ungar. San Diego, California: n.p., 2016. Web. «

Vaidyanathan, Preethi, Jeff B. Pelz, Emily Prud’hommeaux, Cecilia O. Alm, Anne R. Haake,. "Fusing Eye Movements and Observer Narratives for Expert-driven Image-region Annotations." Proceedings of the ETRA. Ed. Pernilla Qvarfordt and Dan Witzner Hansen. Charleston, SC: n.p., 2016. Web. *

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A.J. Caschetta

Principal Lecturer
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Journal Paper

Caschetta, A.J. "Will 2016 Be the Year of Abbas Diplomacy?"." Jihad Watch January 6. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "The Politics of Radicalization"." Sun-Sentinel January 21. (2016): 1-1. Print. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Syrian Diplomatic Push Doomed to Fail"." The Hill January 22. (2016): 1-2. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "The Shocking Truth About How Obama's 'Rigorous Vetting Process' For Syrian Refugees Actually Works"." Independent Journal Review February 3. (2016): 1-2. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Fighting the BDS Movement"." American Thinker February 25. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Trump's Saddam Nostalgia"." The Daily Caller February 29. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Facebook Came Up With a Ridiculous 'Strategy' to Fight ISIS But Obama Might Actually Start Using It"." Independent Journal Review March 3. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Cuba And Obama's 'Axis of Evil'"." The Gatestone Institute March 21. (2016): 1-3. Web. ∆

Caschetta, A.J. "The UN Is A Plastic Owl"." The New English Review. April (2016): 1-4. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Stop Asking 'Why Do They Hate Us?'"." The Daily Caller April 11. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Ben Rhodes' Fiction Behind the 'Iran Deal'"." The Gatestone Institute May 10. (2016): 1-4. Web. ∆

Caschetta, A.J. "Humor Can Be Effective Political Weapon"." The Sun-Sentinel May 20. (2016): 1-3. Print. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Backdoor BDS"." The Jerusalem Post May 25. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Is Obama's Iran Deal a 'Dhimmi' Contract?"." PJ Media May 31. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "In Search of Iranian Moderates"." The Gatestone Institute June 8. (2016): 1-4. Web. ∆

Caschetta, A.J. "Negotiating With the Taliban, Again." The Washington Examiner June 14. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Why Jihadists Kill 'Gays'"." Jihad Watch June 18. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Did James Comey Blink?"." The Daily Caller July 6. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "French Lessons"." The Daily Caller July 15. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "The 28 Pages that Damn Saudi Arabia"." The Gatestone Institute July 19. (2016): 1-4. Web. ∆

Caschetta, A.J. "Munich Shooting Exposes Media Double Standard"." Jihad Watch July 23. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Department of Homeland Security Targeting Wrong 'Enemy'"." The Gatestone Institute July 26. (2016): 1-4. Web. ∆

Caschetta, A.J. "Flaws in the Lone Wolf Analysis." The New English Review August. (2016): 1-12. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "The Peril In Paroling Jihadists"." The Hill August 3. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Freelance Jihad"." The Washington Examiner August 11. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Turkey Blames American Scholar For Coup"." The Daily Caller August 30. (2016): 1-4. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Rebranding the Iran Ransom Payment as 'Leverage'"." Independent Journal Review September 2. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Massoud Day, September 9"." The Gatestone Institute September 6. (2016): 1-5. Web. ∆

Caschetta, A.J. "The Terrorist Wing Scam"." The Middle East Quarterly. Fall (2016): 1-13. Web. *

Caschetta, A.J. "Hillary Clinton's 'Unethical Amnesia'"." American Thinker September 24. (2016): 1-4. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "It Is Time To Break Up The Quartet"." The Jerusalem Post October 5. (2016): 1-2. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "Erdogan's Academics: Middle East Studies Scholars Shill For A Tyrant"." The Daily Caller October 28. (2016): 11-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "The UN's Palestine Language"." The Gatestone Institute November 30. (2016): 1-3. Web. ∆

Caschetta, A.J. "Israeli Fires and Irish Skirmishers"." The New English Review December 14. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "The MLA vs. Israel"." The Daily Caller December 29. (2016): 1-3. Web. £

Caschetta, A.J. "\"Jimmy Carter\'s Lifelong Pursuit of a Palestinian State\"." American Thinker December 30. (2016): 1-4. Web. £

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Rebecca Charry

Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Roje, Rebecca Charry. "Creating a Brave New English." TEDx Dubrovnik: Living Tomorrow. TEDx Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik, Croatia, NJ. 28 Oct. 2016. Lecture.

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Trent Hergenrader

Associate Professor
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Book Chapter

Hergenrader, Trent. "Studying Creative Writing at Today’s College or University: What Should I Expect and What Skills Should I Bring." Studying Creative Writing Successfully. Wicken, Cambridgeshire, UK: Creative Writing Studies, 2016. 14-29. Print. ∆

Hergenrader, Trent. "Immersive Learning: Using Role-Playing Games to Teach Creative Writing, Literature, and History." Teacher Pioneers: Visions from the Edge of the Map. Ed. Caro Williams. Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press, 2016. 54-69. Print. ∆

Published Review

Hergenrader, Trent. "Films and Games: Interactions." Rev. of Films and Games: Interactions, eds. Eva Lenhardt and Andreas Rauscher. afterimage Jan. 2016: 422-423. Print. ∆

Published Conference Proceedings

Hergenrader, Trent, Steven Jacobs, and Jessica Lieberman. "Steampunk Rochester." Proceedings of the Games+Learning+Society 11.0, July 2016, Madison, WI. Ed. Kyrie Caldwell, et al. Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press, 2016. Web. «

Journal Editor

Hergenrader, Trent, ed. Journal of Creative Writing Studies. Rochester, NY: RIT Scholar Works, 2016. Web.

Invited Article/Publication

Hergenrader, Trent. "Can the Professor Come Out and Play? Establishing Critical Gaming Groups for Faculty." On the Horizon. (2016). Web. «

Hergenrader, Trent. "The Place of Videogames in the Digital Humanities." On the Horizon. (2016). Web. «

Hergenrader, Trent. "Making Space for Creative Writing Research in the Academy." Journal of Creative Writing Studies. (2016). Web. ∆

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Katherine Morrissey

Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Book Chapter

Morrissey, Katherine E. "Gender and Fandom." The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Gender. Ed. Elizabeth Kaplan, et al. New York, NY: Routledge, 2016. 352-360. Print. ˜

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Laura Shackelford

Department of English
College of Liberal Arts

2016 Submissions

Book Chapter

Shackelford, Laura. "In Toxicating Languages of Bioinformatic Circulation: Poetics and other ‘smallwork’ in The Flame Alphabet." Narrating Life: Contagion, Immunity, Mutation. Ed. Elisabeth Friis and Stefan Herbrechter. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Rodopii/Brill Press, Experimental Practices series, 2016. 147-171. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Shackelford, Laura. "Discussant, ROUND TABLE “Potential scenarios, values and models for digital humanism”." "Digital humanism: values and models for tomorrow?" An International Symposium. The International Network of ORBICOM chairs and The UNESCO ITEN Chair. Paris, France. 28 Oct. 2016. Conference Presentation. ∆

Invited Article/Publication

Shackelford, Laura. "Surviving Codespace: Tracing Lived Space through Digital Literary Writing." WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly 44: 1 & 2 (Spring/Summer 2016). (2016). Print. *

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