Faculty Scholarship 2021

Department of Psychology

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Joseph Baschnagel

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Reff, Jason and Baschnagel, Joseph S. "The Role of Affective Urgency and Emotion Regulation in Vaping Susceptibility." Addictive Behaviors Reports 14. (2021): 1-5. Web. «

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Caroline DeLong

Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Gunther, Kaitln, et al. "Visual discrimination of rotated 3D unicolor objects in goldfish (Carassius auratus)." RIT Undergraduate Research Symposium. RIT. Rochester, NY. 29 Jul. 2021. Lecture. £

Sheldon, Hannah, et al. "Three second memory in goldfish debunked." Western New York Undergraduate Psychology Conference. University at Buffalo. Buffalo, NY. 17 Apr. 2021. Lecture. £

Wegman, Jessica, et al. "Can goldfish (Carassius auratus) visually discriminate between rotated 3D objects that lack color cues?" The 28th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Comparative Cognition Society. Melbourne, FL. 10 Apr. 2021. Lecture. £

DeLong, Caroline, et al. "Long-term object recognition memory in goldfish (Carassius auratus)." The 28th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Comparative Cognition Society. Melbourne, FL. 10 Apr. 2021. Lecture. £

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Allison Fitch

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Fitch, Allison, Nilam Thaker, and Zsuzsa Kaldy. "The role of redundant verbal labels in 8-and 10-month-olds’ working memory." Infant Behavior and Development. (2021): 101617. Web. «

Lieberman, Amy M., Allison Fitch, and Arielle Borovsky. "Flexible fast‐mapping: Deaf children dynamically allocate visual attention to learn novel words in American Sign Language." Develomental Science. (2021): 1-15. Web. «

Fitch, Allison, Sudha Arunachalam, and Amy M. Lieberman. "Mapping Word to World in ASL: Evidence from a Human Simulation Paradigm." Cognitive Science 45. 12 (2021): e13061. Web. «

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Stephanie Godleski

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Godleski, Stephanie, Brenda Abu, and Ammina Kothari. "A qualitative needs assessment and analysis of perceptions of a mobile health app for low-income, at-risk mothers." Journal of Technology in Behavior Science 6. (2021): 100-105. Print. «

Perry, Kristin, et al. "Pathways from early family violence to adolescent reactive aggression and violence victimization." Journal of Family Violence 36. (2021): 75-86. Print. «

Ostlund, Brendan, et al. "Prenatal substance exposure and maternal hostility from pregnancy to toddlerhood: Associations with temperament profiles at 16-months of age." Development and Psychopathology 33. (2021): 1566-1583. Print. «

Schuetze, Pamela, Stephanie Godleski, and Jenna Sassaman. "Prenatal opiate exposure and postnatal caregiving." Neurotoxicology and Teratology 87. (2021): 107019. Web. *

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Andrew Herbert

Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Casamassima, Enzo, Andrew Herbert, and Cory Merkel. "Exploring CNN features in the context of adversarial robustness and human perception." Proceedings of the SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2021, San Diego, California, United States. Ed. Novak, Matt. San Diego, CA: n.p., 2021. Print. *

McGurgan, Kevin, et al. "Graph Design: The Data-ink Ratio and Expert Users." Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - IVAPP,. Ed. Christophe Hurter, et al. ONLINE, Protugal: n.p., 2021. Web. *

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Rebecca Houston

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Book Chapter

Houston, Rebecca J. and Matthew S. Stanford. "Psychophysiological Correlates of Psychopathic Disorders." International Handbook on Psychopathic Disorders and the Law. Ed. Alan Felthous and Henning Sass. New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021. Chapter 14. Print. ∆

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Fors, Mikayla and Rebecca J. Houston. "Internalizing Disorder Symptoms in Tinnitus and Their Association With Perceived Stress and Quality of Life." Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students. ABRCMS. Washington, DC. 12 Nov. 2021. Conference Presentation. ˜

Alicea, Ryan and Rebecca J. Houston. "Procrastination and time perspective within the context of problematic gaming." Association for Psychological Science. APS. Washington, DC. 27 May 2021. Conference Presentation. ˜

Baschnagel, Joseph S., et al. "Locus of control, emotion dysregulation, stress, and health behavior related to COVID19." Association for Psychological Science. APS. Washington, DC. 27 May 2021. Conference Presentation. ˜

Fors, Mikayla and Rebecca J. Houston. "Differential associations between tinnitus and mental health symptomatology." Undergraduate Research Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 29 Jul. 2021. Conference Presentation.

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Godleski, Stephanie A., et al. "The Cascading Impact of COVID-19 on Parent Drinking." Proceedings of the Society for Research on Child Development, Virtual meeting, April 7-9, 2021. Ed. N/A. Virtual, USA: n.p.. ˜

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Lindsay Schenkel

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Blose, Brittany A and Lindsay S Schenkel. "The Indirect Effects of Dissociation on the Relationship Between Childhood Maltreatment and Schizotypy." Proceedings of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (Nov. 2021). Ed. ABCT. New Orleans, LA: n.p.. *

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Audrey Smerbeck

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Journal Paper

Smerbeck, Alan, et al. "Effects of Repeated Administration and Comparability of Alternate Forms for the Global Neuropsychological Assessment." Assessment online. (2021): online. Web. * « £

Spedo, Carina Tellaroli, et al. "Brief International Cognitive Assessment for Multiple Sclerosis (BICAMS): discrete and regression-based norms for the Brazilian context." Arq Neuropsiquiatr.. (2021): online. Web. * £

Olson, Lauren T., et al. "Preliminary Validation of the Global Neuropsychological Assessment in Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Volunteers." Assessment. (2021): 1-9. Web. * « £

Olson, Lauren T., et al. "Preliminary Validation of the Global Neuropsychological Assessment in Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Volunteers." Assessment. (2021): 1-9. Web. * « £

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Tina Sutton

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Liberal Arts

2021 Submissions

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Sutton, Tina, Shanchieh Yang, and Isabella Totino. "The Role of Curiosity and Frustration in Cybersecurity Practitioner Behavior and Performance." Proceedings of the Association for Psychological Science. Ed. Shinobu Kitayama. Virtual Conference, IL: n.p.. *

McGurgan, Kevin, et al. "Graph Design: The Data-Ink Ratio and Expert Users." Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications. Ed. Jose Braz and Kadi Bouatouch. Virtual Conference, Portugal: n.p.. £

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