Faculty Scholarship 2015

Department of Sociology and Anthropology

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Conerly Casey

Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2015 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Casey, Conerly. "The Sensory Politics of Armed Conflict in Northern Nigeria." Department of Anthropology and the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. Syracuse University. Syracuse, NY. 29 Jan. 2015. Lecture. ∆

Casey, Conerly. "Accumulating Knowledge in the Gulf: Perspectives on Communicating and Archiving Across Disciplines." The State of Research in the Gulf. Gulf Studies Center, American University of Kuwait. Salmiya, Kuwait. 16 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆ ≠

Casey, Conerly. "Sensory Politics and War: Affective Anchoring and Vitality in Nigeria and Kuwait." Political Subjectivities Workshop. Robert Lemelson Psychocultural Foundation and Columbia University. New York, NY. 31 May 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆

Casey, Conerly. "Mediating Violence: Media, Arts and Bodily Traces of War in Kuwait." Middle East Studies Association. Middle East Studies Association. Denver, CO. 21 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Kijana Crawford

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2015 Submissions

Published Review

IEEE, . "Tailor-Made: Meeting the Unique Needs of Women of Color STEM-SBS Faculty Through Mentoring." Rev. of Tailor-Made: Meeting the Unique Needs of Women of Color, ed. Blind Reviewer. 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 29 Jul. 2015: 5. Web. *

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Christine Kray

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2015 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kray, Christine A., Minette C. Church, and Jason Yaeger. "Ambivalent Colonialisms: Fear and Disquiet in British Honduras, 19th-20th Centuries." Annual meetings. American Anthropological Association. Denver, CO. 20 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation. *

Kray, Christine A. "On Ever-Shifting Ground: Internal Exiles in British Honduras; Immigrants, Tenants, Evictees, and Reservations." Conable Conference in International Studies. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 3 Apr. 2015. Conference Presentation. ˜

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Courtney Kurlanska

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2015 Submissions

Published Review

Kurlanska, Courtney. Rev. of El Norte or Bust: How Migration Fever and Microcredit Produced a Financial Crash in a Latin American Town, by David Stoll. Anthropology and Humanism 2015: 1. Print.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kurlanska, Courtney. "Righteous Development." Annual Meeting. American Anthropological Association. Denver, CO. 19 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆

Kurlanska, Courtney. "Not Soc Civil Society." Bi-Annual Conference. NGO-graphies. Denver, CO. 17 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆

Kurlanska, Courtney. "Weeding the Grassroots." Annual Meeting. Society for Applied Anthropology. Pittsburgh, PA. 26 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Benjamin Lawrance

Office of Endowed Chairs, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2015 Submissions

Full Length Book

Terretta, Iris Berger, Tricia Redeker Hepner, Benjamin N. Lawrance, Joanna T. Tague, and Meredith. African Asylum at a Crossroads: Activism, Expert Testimony, and Refugee Rights. 1st ed. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2015. Print. *

Journal Paper

Lawrance, Benjamin N. "Boko Haram, Asylum, and Memes of Africa." HAWWA: Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 13. 2 (2015): 148-53. Print. ∆

Book Chapter

Lawrance, Benjamin N. "From ‘Health Tourism’ to ‘Atrocious Barbarism’: Contextualizing African Migrant Choice, Expertise, and Medical Humanitarian Practice." Adjudicating Refugee and Asylum Status: The Role of Witness, Expertise, and Testimony. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 221-244. Print. «

Terretta, Benjamin N. Lawrance, Iris Berger, Tricia Redeker Hepner, Joanna T. Tague, and Meredith. "Law, Expertise, and Protean Ideas about African Migrants." African Asylum at a Crossroads: Activism, Expert Testimony, and Refugee Rights. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2015. 1-37. Print. «

Ruffer, Benjamin N Lawrance and Galya. "Witness to the Persecution? Expertise, Testimony, and Consistency in Asylum Adjudication." Adjudicating Refugee and Asylum Status: The Role of Witness, Expertise, and Testimony. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 1-24. Print. «

Published Review

Lawrance, Benjamin N. "To know where you come from; that is divine: Three New Documentary Films about the African Slave Experience." Rev. of Three Films About Slavery, dirs. Emma Christopher, Marie Rodet, and Tony Buba. Slavery and Abolition, Vol. 36, No.4 2015: 738-746. Print.

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Uli Linke

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

Fenner, Angelica and Uli Linke. "Cultivating Peripheral Vision: An Introduction." Transit: A Journal of Travel, Migration, and Multiculturalism in the German-speaking World 9. 2 (special issue: Remediations of Race and Ethnicity in German Visual Cultures) (2014): 1-12. Web. «

Book Chapter

Linke, Uli. "Mobile Imaginaries, Portable Signs: Global Consumption and Representations of Slum Life." Tourism and Geographies of Inequality: The New Global Slumming Phenomenon. Ed. Fabian Frenzel and Ko Koens. New York, NY: Routledge, 2015. 100-125. Print. *

Invited Article/Publication

Linke, Uli. "Anthropology of Collective Memory." International Encyclopedia for Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, vol. 4 (Oxford: Elsevier), pp. 181-187. (2015). Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Linke, Uli. "Language as Battleground: ‘Speaking’ the Nation, Lingual Citizenship, and Other Disillusions of German Unification." Event: 25 Years of German Unification. Boise State University (World Languages Department). Boise, ID. 15 Oct. 2015. Keynote Speech. ∆

Linke, Uli. "Speaking in Tongues: Language and Belonging in Europe." Contemporary Europe Research Workshop. Humanities Institute--SUNY Buffalo. Buffalo, NY. 27 Mar. 2015. Keynote Speech. ∆

Linke, Uli. "Language Politics and German Imaginaries of Othering." 39th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association. Ethnography and German Studies (4): Ethnography and the Study of Diversity in Germany. Washington, DC. 3 Oct. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆

Linke, Uli. "Off the Edge of Europe: Border Regimes, Visual Culture, and the Politics of Race." Session: Estranging the Familiar: Racism, Immigration, and Nation Making in the Everyday. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Denver, CO. 20 Nov. 2015. Conference Presentation. £

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Jessica Pardee

Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2015 Submissions

Book Chapter

Pardee, Jessica W. "Trauma Survivor as Author: Method as Recovery." Rethinking Disaster Recovery: A Hurricane Katrina Retrospective. Ed. Jeannie Haubert. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2015. 139-151. Print. ∆

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Shana Siegel

Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

Siegel, Shana. "What Disruption, Whose Status Quo? Non-Native Narratives of Victimization Surrounding a First Nations’ Land Reclamation." Settler Colonial Studies. (2016): Not yet specified. Print. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Siegel, Shana. "Resource Extraction, Neoliberalism, Free Trade and Violations of First Nations’ Human Rights across Canada." American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. American Sociological Association. Chicago, IL. 22 Aug. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆

Siegel, Shana. "What Disruption, Whose Status Quo? Non-Native Narratives of Victimization Surrounding a First Nations’ Land Reclamation." American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. American Sociological Association. Chicago, IL. 25 Aug. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆

Siegel, Shana. "Confronting Pathologies of Privilege from Ferguson, MO to Burnaby Mountain, B.C." Sovereign Colonialisms: Resisting Racism, Extraction and Dispossession. Critical Ethnic Studies Association. Toronto, ON. 2 May 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆

Siegel, Shana. "Non-Native constructions of anti-Native narratives in Caledonia from October 2005 to mid-April 2006." Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Canadian Sociological Association and the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Ottawa, QC. 4 Jun. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆

Siegel, Shana. "The 2006 Haudenosaunee Land Reclamation and Occupation: Ten Years Later." Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Canadian Sociological Association and the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Ottawa, QC. 2 Jun. 2015. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Danielle Smith

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
College of Liberal Arts

2015 Submissions

Journal Paper

Jappah, Jlateh Vincent and Danielle Taana Smith. "Global Governmentality: Biosecurity in the Era of Infectious Diseases." Global Public Health 10. 10 (2015): 1139-1156. Print. *

Omori, Megumi and Danielle Taana Smith. "The Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Metropolitan area Racial Composition on Visible Consumption Among Racial/ethnic Minorities and Whites." Race and Social Problems 7. 3 (2015): 169-180. Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Smith, Danielle Taana. "The Immigrant Experience." A Tale for Three Counties. State University of New York, Genesee Community College. Batavia, NY. 17 Feb. 2015. Lecture.

Smith, Danielle Taana. "Narratives of Refugees: Categorizations and Expectations." Grand Round. University of Rochester/Mount Hope Family Center Developmental Psychopathology. Rochester, NY. 24 Feb. 2015. Guest Lecture.

Smith, Danielle Taana. "The Impact of the Built Environment on the Health and Well-being of Refugee Populations." Eastern Sociological Society Annual Conference. Eastern Sociological Society. New York, New York. 1 Mar. 2015. Conference Presentation. *

Smith, Danielle Taana and Kijana Crawford. "Islam: Local and Global Dimensions." Conable Conference in International Studies and Conable African Studies Symposium. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, New York. 2 Apr. 2015. Conference Presentation.

Smith, Danielle Taana and Jlateh Vincent Jappah. "The Emergence of Ebola in Liberia and Neighboring West African Nations: Public Health, Nation Building and The Role of The Diaspora." Liberian Studies Association Annual Meeting. Liberian Studies Association. Chicago, IL. 29 May 2015. Conference Presentation. *

Smith, Danielle Taana. "Socratic Forum: Syria’s Refugees: A European Crisis?" Socrates Forum. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 20 Nov. 2015. Guest Lecture.

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