Faculty Scholarship 2012

Research and Teacher Education

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John Albertini

Liberal Studies, Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Albertini, John. "Journal of a Voyage to Canton & Home to Boston by Sam Coverly, Jr., transcribed and edited by John Albertini." The Nautilus: A Maritime Journal of Literature, History, and Culture 3. Spring (2012): 35-90. Print. «

Book Chapter

Albertini, J., M. Stinson, and A. Zangana. "Composing Academic Essays Using Dictation and Technology to Improve Fluency." Writing Deelopment and Instruction in Children with Hearing, Speech and Oral Language Difficulties. Ed. B. Arte, B. Dockrell, and V. Berninger. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012. 1-10. Print. ˜

Published Review

Albertini, John A. "Recording the Unimaginable." Rev. of Overcoming the Past, Determining its Consequences, and Finding Solutions for the Present, by M. Zaurov and K. B. Gunther. Journal of Deaf Students and Deaf Education 31 Jan. 2012: 133-133. Print. ˜

Journal Editor

Albertini, J. and G.P. Berent, ed. National Technical Institute for the Deaf Research Bulletin. Rochester: Rochester Institute of Technology/NTID, 2012. Web. «

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Gerald Berent

Liberal Studies, Research and Teacher Education, Liberal Studies - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Berent, Gerald P., Ronald R. Kelly, and Tanya Schueler-Choukairi. "L2 and Deaf Learners' Knowledge of Numerically Quantified English Sentences: Acquisitional Parallels at the Semantics/Discourse-Pragmatics Interface." Studies in Second Language Acquisition 34. (2012): 35-66. Print. *

Book Chapter

Berent, Gerald P. "Sign Language-Spoken Language Bilingualism and the Derivation of Bimodally Mixed Sentences." The Handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism, Second Edition. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2012. 351-374. Print. £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Parasnis, Ila, Vincent J. Samar, and Gerald P. Berent. "The Attention Deficit Scales for Adults-Sign Language Version: An Interactive Program to Screen Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults for ADHD." New York State Engineering Technology Association. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 25 Oct. 2012. Conference Presentation. £

Berent, Gerald P. "Code Mixing on Steroids: Multimodal Sign Language-spoken Language Bilingual Communication." 2012 Mellon Foundation Symposium, The Multilingual Mind: Language Development and Methodology. Syracuse University. Syracuse, NY. 28 Oct. 2012. Keynote Speech. ∆

Parasnis, Ila, Vincent J. Samar, and Gerald P. Berent. "The Attention Deficit Scales for Adults-Sign Language Version (ADSA-SLV): An Interactive Program to Screen Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults for ADHD." New York State Engineering Technology Association. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 25 Oct. 2012. Conference Presentation. £

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Lisa Elliot

Research Associate Professor
Office of the President, Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2012 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Elliot, Lisa, et al. "C-Print Tablet Research Outcomes: An Overview." Proceedings of the Educational Support Service Personnel Conference. Ed. unknown. Rochester, NY: Educational Support Service Personnel, Print. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Elliot, Lisa B. and Donna Easton. "C-Print Captioning for Students with Hearing Loss." Clarke Mainstream Services 33rd Annual Conference on Mainstreaming Students with Hearing Loss. Clarke Mainstream Services. Springfield, MA. 26 Oct. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Elliot, Lisa B. "What Works for Students? Remote Tutoring." National Science Foundation 2012 Joint Annual Meeting. National Science Foundation. Washington, DC. 15 Jun. 2012. Conference Presentation. ≠

Elliot, Lisa B. and Robert Dooling. "The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Virtual Academic Community." NTID Foundation Board. NTID. Rochester, NY. 4 May 2012. Conference Presentation.

Elliot, Lisa B. "Updates on Recent Projects at the NTID Center on Access Technology: The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Virtual Academic Community." Education Support Service Personnel (ESSP) 2012 Annual Meeting. ESSP. Rochester, NY. 5 May 2012. Conference Presentation. *

Elliot, Lisa B., et al. "C-Print Tablet Research Outcomes: A Review." Education Support Service Personnel (ESSP) 2012 Annual Meeting. ESSP. Rochester, NY. 5 May 2012. Conference Presentation. *

Elliot, Lisa B. "Goals and Objectives: Framing Projects to Interest the Sponsor." NTID Faculty Learning Community: Getting Started in Funded Research. NTID. Rochester, NY. 12 Mar. 2012. Guest Lecture. ∆

Elliot, Lisa B. and Michael Stinson. "C-Print Captioning to Support STEM Learning Students." National Conference of National Science Teachers Association. National Science Teachers Association. Indianapolis, IN. 29 Mar. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Elliot, Lisa B. and Michael Stinson. "RDE-FRI: Analyzing the Use of C-Print Mobile Technology in STEM Lab Settings Across Multiple Postsecondary Sites." Annual Meeting of the National Science Foundation Division of Human Resource Development. NSF Division of Human Resource Development. Washington, DC. 14 Jun. 2012. Conference Presentation. ∆

Stinson, M. and L. Elliot. "Diverse Postsecondary Learners' Retention of STEM Content with Tablet Computer-Based Notes." American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2012. AERA. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 13 Apr. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Elliot, Lisa B. and Donna Easton. "C-Print Captioning for Students with Hearing Loss." Clarke Mainstream Services 33rd Annual Conference on Mainstreaming Students with Hearing Loss. Clarke Mainstream Services. Springfield, MA. 26 Oct. 2012. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Susan Foster

Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Foster, Susan, et al. "Crossing the Communication Barrier: Facilitating Communication in Mixed Groups of Deaf and Hearing Students." Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability 25. 1 (2012): 51-63. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Foster, Susan, Susan Lane-Outlaw, and Sarah Schley. "Changing Educational Landscapes: Emerging Educational Models in Deaf Education and Preparing Future Teachers of the Deaf." Association of College Educators-Deaf & Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH). ACE-DHH. Jacksonville, FL. 1 Feb. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Foster, Susan, Susan Lane-Outlaw, and Sarah Schley. "The Center School Model." Association of College Educators-Deaf & Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH). ACE-DHH. Jacksonville, FL. Feb. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Foster, Susan and Gary Long. "Project Access and Itinerant Teaching." Workshops for DeafTEC National Participants. National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID). Rochester, NY. 1 Jun. 2012. Lecture.

Stinson, M. and S. Foster. "Best Practices for Promoting Interaction Among Students with Diverse Characteristics." Annual RIT Faculty Institute on Teaching and Learning. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 30 May 2012. Conference Presentation.

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Ronald Kelly

Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Berent, Gerald P., Ronald R. Kelly, and Tanya Schueler-Choukairi. "L2 and Deaf Learners' Knowledge of Numerically Quantified English Sentences: Acquisitional Parallels at the Semantics/Discourse-Pragmatics Interface." Studies in Second Language Acquisition 34. 1 (2012): 35-66. Web. «

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Christopher Kurz

Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2012 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Kurz, Christopher. "Building Bridges: Concrete-Representational-Abstract Strategies." Invited Lecture. Scranton School for the Deaf. Pittsburgh, PA. Apr. 2012. Guest Lecture.

Kurz, Christopher. "Family Math." Scranton School for the Deaf. Pittsburgh, PA. Apr. 2012. Guest Lecture.

Kurz, Christopher. "STEM in ASL Delivery." 3-Day Workshop Presentation for MDE. Massachusetts Department of Education. Worcester, MA. Jun. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Kurz, Christopher and H. Hilbok. "Laurent Clerc: A Complex and Conflicted Deaf Man in American." Deaf History International Conference. Deaf History International. Tornonto, ON, Canada. 26 Jul. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Kurz, Christopher. "Semantics and Signing in Mathematical Context." Massachusetts Teachers of the Deaf and Interpreters. Massachusetts Department of Education. Framington, MA. 30 Nov. 2012. Keynote Speech.

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Susan Lane-Outlaw

Assistant Professor
Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2012 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Lane-Outlaw, Susan, Susan Foster, and Sarah Schley. "Changing Educational Landscapes: Emerging Educational Models in Deaf Education and Preparing Future Teachers of the Deaf." Association of College Educators--Deaf & Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH). ACE-DHH. Jacksonville, FL. 1 Feb. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Lane-Outlaw, Susan, Susan Foster, and Sarah Schley. "The Center School Model." Association of College Educators-Deaf & Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH). ACE-DHH. Jacksonville, FL. Feb. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Lane-Outlaw, Susan. "Strategies for Supporting Deaf Students' Literacy Development." Finger Lakes Community College. Canandaigua, NY. 17 Apr. 2012. Guest Lecture.

Lane-Outlaw, Susan. "Using NWEA's MAP for Assessing Students' Growth and Guiding Instruction." Staff Development Workshop. Rocky Mountain Deaf School. Denver, CO. 25 Jan. 2012. Guest Lecture.

Lane-Outlaw, Susan, Denise Kavin, and Jessica Cuculick. "Language Use in Academic and Research Settings." Biennial Conference of the National Association of the Deaf. National Association of the Deaf (NAD). Louisville, KY. Jul. 2012. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Ila Parasnis

Research and Teacher Education, MSSE - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2012 Submissions

Book Chapter

Parasnis, I. "Diversity and Deaf Identity: Implications for Personal Epistemologies in Deaf Education." Deaf Epistemologies: Multiple Perspectives on the Acquisition of Knowledge. Ed. P. Paul and D. Moores. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press, 2012. 63-80. Print. ˜

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Parasnis, I. and V. J. Samar. "Norms Development for the First Sign Language-Based ADHD Scales for Deaf Adults." The Association for Psychological Science 24th Convention. Association for Psychological Science. Chicago, IL. 25 May 2012. Conference Presentation. £

Parasnis, Ila. "A Sociocultural Perspective on Deafness and Deaf Education: Implications for Teachers." National Institute for Speech and Hearing Professional Development Series. National Institute for Speech and Hearing. Trivandrum, India. 16 Aug. 2012. Keynote Speech. ∆

Parasnis, Ila. "Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Empowerment of Deaf People: Some Advantages and Challenges." Issues Related to the Empowerment of Deaf People: An Interdisciplinary Symposium. Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped. Mumbai, India. 7 Aug. 2012. Keynote Speech. ∆

Parasnis, Ila. "How Technology, The Internet, and The Web Can Improve Access and Transform Education For Deaf People." CISCO teleconference regarding American and Indian deaf education. AYJ National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped. Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. 8 Aug. 2012. Keynote Speech. ∆

Parasnis, Ila, Vincent J, Samar, and Gerald P. Berent. "The Attention Deficit Scales for Adults-Sign Language Version: An Interactive Program to Screen Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults for ADHD." The New York State Engineering Technology Association Conference. The New York State Engineering Technology Association. Rochester, NY. 25 Oct. 2012. Conference Presentation. £

Parasnis, Ila. "Implications of a Sociocultural Perspective on Studying Deafness and Educating Deaf People." Professional Development Series. AYJ National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped. Mumbai, India. 2 Aug. 2012. Keynote Speech. ∆

Parasnis, Ila. "Issues Related to Diversity, Identity, and the Educational Experience of Deaf Students." NTID Diversity Group. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 26 Oct. 2012. Lecture. ∆

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Vincent Samar

Liberal Studies, Research and Teacher Education, Liberal Studies - Research, MSSE - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Samar, V., et al. "Modality-Independent Survey Tool: Imagine the Potential." NTID Research Bulletin 15. 1 (2012): 1-5. Print. ∆

Samar, V. J., P. C. Hauser, and J. Lukomski. "Reliability and Validity of the BRIEF-A for Assessing Deaf College Students' Executive Function." Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. (2012): 1-10. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Barnett, S., et al. "Violence and Suicide Attempts: Results of a Survey of Adults Deaf Since Birth or Early Childhood." 11th Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Annual Meeting. Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI). St. Louis, MO. 5 Mar. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Lowenstein, L., et al. "Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing and Hearing Students' Plans to Lose, Maintain, or Do Nothing About Their Weight." Convention of the American Public Health Association. APHA. San Francisco, CA. 29 Oct. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Lowenstein, L., et al. "Differences in Weight Perception Between Deaf and Hearing College Students." 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Society of Behavioral Medicine. New Orleans, LA. 13 Apr. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Parasnis, I. and V. J. Samar. "Norms Development for the First Sign Language-Based ADHD Scales for Deaf Adults." The Association for Psychological Science 24th Convention. Association for Psychological Science. Chicago, IL. 25 May 2012. Conference Presentation. £

Samar, V., R. Pollard, and A. O'Hearn. "Deaf Signers Display Slower Cognitive Decline Across the Lifespan than General Norms." 2012 Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science. Association for Psychological Science. Washington, DC. 26 May 2012. Conference Presentation.

Parasnis, I., V. Samar, and G. Berent. "The Attention Deficit Scales for Adults-Sign Language Version (ADSA-SLV): An Interactive Program to Screen Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults for ADHD." New York State Engineering Technology Association Conference. New York State Engineering Technology Association. Rochester, NY. 25 Oct. 2012. Conference Presentation. ∆ £

Samar, V., S. Barnett, and P. Somani. "Modality Independent Survey Tool (MIST): Interactive Survey Presentation Software for Diverse Language Communities." New York State Engineering Technology Association Conference. New York State Engineering Technology Association. Rochester, NY. 25 Oct. 2012. Conference Presentation. ∆ £

Samar, Vincent J., Steven Barnett, and Pearl Somani. "Modality Independent Survey Tool (MIST): Interactive Survey Presentation Software for Diverse Language Communities." Celebration of Research: Effective Access Technologies. RIT. Rochester, NY. 20 Nov. 2012. Conference Presentation. ∆

Parasnis, Ila, Vincent J. Samar, and Gerald P. Berent. "A Computer-based Linguistically Accessible ADHD Test for Deaf People: The Attention Deficit Scales for Adults-Sign Language Version." Celebration of Research: Effective Access Technologies. RIT. Rochester, NY. 16 Nov. 2012. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Sara Schley

Research and Teacher Education
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Schley, Sara and Michael Stinson. "Meeting Classroom Needs of Diverse Learners: Collaborative Online Writing." National Technical Institute for the Deaf Research Bulletin 15. 1 (2012): 9-10. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Schley, Sara, Susan Foster, and Susan Lane-Outlaw. "Changing Educational Landscapes: Emerging Educational Models in Deaf Education and Preparing Future Teachers of the Deaf." Association of College Educators--Deaf & Hard of Hearing (ACE-DHH). ACE-DHH. Jacksonville, FL:. 18 Feb. 2012. Conference Presentation.

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Michael Stinson

Research Associate Professor
Research and Teacher Education, MSSE - Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2012 Submissions

Journal Paper

Stinson, Michael, et al. "Crossing the Communication Barrier: Facilitating Communication in Mixed Groups of Deaf and Hearing Students." Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability 25. 1 (2012): 51-63. Web. «

Stinson, Michael and Sarah Schley. "Meeting Classroom Needs of Diverse Learners: Collaborative Online Writing." National Technical Institute for the Deaf Research Bulletin 15. 1 (2012): 9-10. Web. «

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Stinson, Michael, et al. "C-Print Tablet Research Outcomes: An Overview." Education Support Service Personnel (ESSP) Annual Meeting. ESSP. Rochester, NY. 5 May 2012. Conference Presentation.

Stinson, Michael and Lisa Elliot. "C-Print Captioning to Support STEM Learning Students." National Conference of National Science Teachers Association. National Science Teachers Association. Indianapolis, IN. Mar. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Stinson, Michael and Lisa Elliot. "RDE-FRI: Analyzing the Use of C-Print Mobile Technology in STEM Lab Settings Across Multiple Postsecondary Sites." Annual Meeting of the National Science Foundation Division of Human Resource Development. NSF. Washington, DC. 1 Jun. 2012. Conference Presentation. ∆

Stinson, Michael and Lisa Elliot. "Diverse Postsecondary Learners' Retention of STEM Content with Tablet Computer-Based Notes." American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting 2012. AERA. Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada. 13 Apr. 2012. Conference Presentation.

Stinson, M. and S. Foster. "Best Practices for Promoting Interaction Among Students with Diverse Characteristics." RIT Faculty Institute on Teaching and Learning. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY. 30 May 2012. Conference Presentation.

Stinson, M. and P. Francis. "Recent Developments in C-Print." Educational Support Service Personnel (ESSP) 2012 Conference. ESSP. Rochester, NY. 1 May 2012. Conference Presentation.

Stinson, Michael and Pamela Francis. "C-Print Captioning Services for Deaf Students." Conference on the Experience of International Inter-University, Cooperation in Higher Vocational Education for People with Special Needs Through PEN-International: State-of-the-Art Interactive Systems for Ensuring Access. Bauman State Technical University. Moscow, Russia. 29 Oct. 2012. Conference Presentation. ∆

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