OSHA#5602 : Update for Disaster Site Worker Trainer Course
No Sessions Currently Scheduled
Course Description
This course is intended to update the Authorized Disaster Site Worker Trainer with new technical and regulatory information related to disaster response and the role of OSHA in coordinating occupational safety and health in the National Response Framework. Participants will have the opportunity to share "lessons learned" from teaching 7.5- and 15- hour Disaster Site Worker Outreach Training classes.
Minimum contact hours: 7.5
Prerequisites: Course 5600 Disaster Site Worker Trainer Course
Participants will be required to provide a copy of their Disaster Worker Trainer card or certificate and bring a current copy of the OSHA regulations, 29 CFR 1926, to the course.
Cost: |
Cost: $295 |
To pay by check or purchase order, Call toll-free 1-866-385-7470 or download our registration form.
Visit our FAQs page for details on cancellation policy, directions, accommodations, etc.