OSHA#5810 : Hazards Recognition and Standards for On-Shore Oil and Gas Exploration and Production

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Course Description

This course covers OSHA Construction and General Industry Standards relating to the oil and gas industry. This course provides information for employees and employers to protect themselves by developing the knowledge and skills to anticipate, recognize, evaluate and control hazards common to the on-shore oil and gas exploration and production industry. This includes work sites associated with the on-shore exploration and production oil and gas industry including, but not limited to construction, drilling, completion, well servicing, production, product gathering and processing, and product transmission. This course is intended for employees and employers engaged in all phases of on-shore oil and gas exploration and production. Upon course completion students will be able to determine hazards associated with the oil and gas industry, control and hazard abatement, and use of the OSHA standards, policies, and procedures as they relate to the gas and oil industry.

Minimum contact hours: 30

Prerequisites: None

Cost: $895

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