
Who We Are

The Partnership for Effective Access Technology R&D at RIT

Logo of AccessAbility @ R.I.T: What we do, what organizations we work with, who cooperate with

(AccessAbility @ RIT), partnering with researchers, developers, designers, service providers, industry and, most importantly, individuals with varying abilities, aims to pursue research and development that targets enhancements in accessibility and empowers them and benefits their community.

Download our brochure

We aim to empower!

What We Do

Graphic Diagram of R.I.T Personalized Health Care Proframs, process, and partners

"I think you would agree that when barriers to inclusion are removed and persons with differing abilities are empowered to fully participate in life’s opportunities, they and their entire community benefit. We strongly believe in that premise from a personal and institutional point of view. The  explicit motivation for Access Tech RIT is to provide research and development opportunities in the field of assistive and health technology, to generates interest and capacity among faculty and community partners, and ultimately to make it a signature program for RIT.

Access Tech RIT is fully committed to these initiatives and looks forward to growing this endeavor in a way that will benefit everyone involved.”

Dr. Dan Phillips,

Faculty Associate - Effective Access Technology ​

RIT Partners

Logo of The Alber J. Simone Center: For Student Innovation & Entrepreneurship, colorized

Logo PNG of R.I.T Sauders College of Buisness: Summer Startup Program, colorized

The Construct at RIT

Logo of R.I.T Saunders College of Business, colorized

Logo of Multidisciplinary Senior Design, grayscale

Logo PNG of R.I.T Industrial Design

Logo of R.I.T Interior Design program, colorized

Logo of R.I.T National Institute of the Deaf (NTID), colorized

Logo of Center on Access Technology, colorized

PHT180 Logo

Logo of the Center for Accessibility and Inclusion Research (CAIR), colorized

Logo for "The P.O.R.T.A.L" (prosthetics, orthotics, research, technology, accessiblilty lab), colorized



RIT Vignelli Center for Design Studies

Community Partners and Clients

Logo of Al Sigl: Community of Agencies

Logo of Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ABVI), colorized

Logo of Rochester Regional Health, colorized

Logo PNG of Arc of Monroe County, colorized

Logo of CP Rochester: Opening Doors. Enriching Lives., colorized

Logo of Epilepsy Pralid Inc

Logo of "The Charles S. & Millicent P. Brown Family Foundation," black script

Logo of "The Waldron Rise Foundation", black script

Logo of Kids Miracle Making Club, colorized