Effective Access Technology Conferences and Workshops
Forums to showcase research and development efforts and accomplishments from RIT faculties, students and community partners.
"Accessibility is the idea of making things accessible to all people no matter what their abilities. One way to accomplish this is by developing innovative technologies that provide greater access, break down barriers, and create new opportunities. Rochester Institute of Technology is just one of the many organizations seeking to provide accessibility through the development of technology. RIT faculty and student researchers want to share their work and meet others who are developing technology as well as service providers, end users and other stakeholders."
Effective Access Technology Conferences and Workshops are forums to exchange idea as well as showcase research and development efforts and accomplishments from RIT faculties, students and community partners.
Information about previous Conferences can be found at the RIT Scholar Works website: http://scholarworks.rit.edu/eatc/
Effective Access Technology Workshops are focused events involving panel discussions and presentations that promote interaction and dialogue among attendees. If there is a particular aspect of assistive technology that you were interested in, we would welcome your input. Please reach out to us by accessing the page at https://www.rit.edu/accessability/contact-us. We are always interested in collaboration and new input and ideas.
We are in the planning stages for the next Conference and upcoming Workshops and will keep you posted as those dates and topics are determined.