

  • 03/2022
    CVPR 2022: We have three papers accepted by CVPR 2022.
  • 09/2021
    BMVC 2021: We have one paper accepted by British Machine Vision Conference 2021. Congratulations to Xinmiao!
  • 07/2021
    ICCV 2021: We have three papers accepted by International Conference on Computer Vision 2021. Congratulations to Wentao and Junwen!
  • 04/2021
    New Funding: We have received funding of $360K from the Army Research Office. Cheers!
  • 04/2021
    IJCNN 2021: Our paper "Multiple Instance Relational Learning for Video Anomaly Detection" is accepted by International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2021. This is Xiwen Dengxiong's first paper. Congratulations to Xiwen and Wentao!
  • 07/2020
    MM 2020: We have two papers accepted by ACM Multimedia 2020. Congratulations to Wentao and Junwen!
  • 07/2020
    ECCV 2020: Our paper "Group Activity Prediction with Sequential Relational Anticipation Model" is accepted by ECCV, 2020. Congratulations to Junwen and Wentao!
  • 06/2020
    IROS 2020: Our paper "Object-Aware Centroid Voting for Monocular 3D Object Detection" is accepted by IROS, 2020. Congratulations to Wentao!
  • 06/2020
    ICPR 2020: Our paper "Privacy Attributes-aware Message Passing Neural Network for Visual Privacy Attributes Classification" is accpeted by International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2020. This is Hanbin Hong's first paper. Congratulations!
  • 04/2020
    IJCAI 2020: Our paper "Few-shot Human Motion Prediction via Learning Novel Motion Dynamics" is accepted by International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2020. This is Chuanqi Zang's first paper. Congratulations!
  • 04/2020
    CVPR Workshop: Our paper "RIT-18: A Novel Dataset for Compositional Group Activity Understanding" is accepted by CVPR Workshop 2020. This is Junwen's first paper after joining the ACTION Lab. Congratulations to Junwen, Haiting, and Hanbin!
  • 02/2020
    Editorial Board: Dr. Kong accepted the invitation to join the Editorial Board of Multimedia Systems (Springer).
  • 01/2020
    ACM MM 2020 Area Chair: Dr. Kong accepted the invitation to serve as an Area Chair of ACM MM 2020.
  • 01/2020
    Scholarship: PhD students Junwen Chen, Wentao Bao, and Anna Starynska received travel scholarships from AAAI 2020. Congratulations!
  • 01/2020
    IEEE T-PAMI Paper Accepted: Our paper "Residual Dense Network for Image Restoration" was accepted by IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI). Congratulations!
  • 11/2019 IEEE T-IP Paper Accepted: Our paper "Visual Object Tracking via Multi-Stream Deep Similarity Learning Networks" was accepted by IEEE Transaction on Image Processing (T-IP). Congratulations! 
  • 11/2019 EDBT 2020 Paper Accepted: Our paper "Publishing Video Data with Indistinguishable Objects" was accepted by EDBT 2020. EDBT is a top-tier conference in database field. Congratulations! [PDF]
  • 11/2019
    ACTION Lab website is online!
  • 11/2019
    Dr. Kong was invited to visit the Computer Science Department at the University of Rochester and deliver a talk at the CS seminar.
  • 09/2019
    Dr. Kong accepted the invitation to serve as a Reviewer for CVPR 2020.
  • 08/2019
    New Members: We will be hosting three students this fall. Welcome Chuanqi Zang, Beibei Jin, and Hanbin Hong!
  • 08/2019
    New PhD student: New PhD student Wentao Bao is joining the lab. Welcome!
  • 07/2019
    AAAI 2020 Program Committee member: Dr. Kong accepted the invitation to serve as a Program Committee member for AAAI 2020.
  • 03/2019
    IEEE T-CSVT Papers Accepted: We have two IEEE T-CSVT papers accepted. Congratulations to Chengcheng Jia, Zhengming Ding, Yi Tian, and Prof. Yun Fu!
  • 03/2019
    Funding From RIT: Dr. Kong has received internal funding from RIT as the principal investigator in studying few-shot learning problems. (RIT, $5,000)
  • 03/2019
    Awarded By Office of Naval Research: Dr. Kong will serve as a Co-PI in a project awarded by the Office of Naval Research to study complex decision-making processes with PI Qi Yu and Co-PI Daniel Krutz. (ONR, $1.58M)
  • 03/2019
    Nvidia's GPU Donation: ACTION Lab received a GPU donation from Nvidia. Thank you Nvidia for the generous support!
  • 02/2019
    ACM MM 2019 Area Chair: Dr. Kong accepted the invitation to serve as an Area Chair of ACM MM 2019.
  • 02/2019
    ICCV 2019 Reviewer: Dr. Kong accepted the invitation to serve as a reviewer of ICCV 2019.
  • 01/2019
    Accepted the Invitation From Elsevier Journal of Measurement: Sensors: Dr. Kong accepted the invitation to serve as an Associate Editor for Elsevier Journal of Measurement: Sensors.
  • 01/2019
    Visited University of Rochester: Dr. Kong visited Prof. Chenliang Xu's lab and delivered a talk at the University of Rochester.
  • 10/2018
    Accepted the Invitation From Elsevier Journal of Measurement: Dr. Kong accepted the invitation to serve as an Associate Editor for Elsevier Journal of Measurement.
  • 10/2018
    Talk at RIT: Dr. Kong delivered a talk at the PhD Colloquium Series at RIT.
  • 10/2018
    CVPR 2019 Reviewer: Dr. Kong accepted the invitation to serve as a reviewer of CVPR 2019.
  • 09/2018
    IEEE TPAMI Acceptance: Our paper titled "Adversarial Action Prediction Networks" was accepted by IEEE TPAMI. Congratulations!
  • 08/2018
    ICDM 2018 Acceptance: Our paper titled "Clustered Lifelong Learning via Representative Task Selection" was accepted by ICDM 2018. Congratulations to Gan Sun!