Family Information
We understand and value the support families may provide as students navigate their college experience. We encourage students to communicate openly with their parents/families about their academic performance and academic progress.
Students and families should establish a communication plan to discuss grades, course schedules, and general concerns. Our goal and expectation is to have students take the lead in sharing information with parents/families.
Student academic records are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This prohibits RIT faculty and staff, including academic advisors, from discussing records without student consent. When a FERPA consent to release student information form is not in place, we can still help parents understand university policies and procedures. Please note, even with a signed consent to release form, academic advisors aim to keep the student in the conversation and engage the student and their parents together.
Students can grant parents and other users access to view their eServices account, including allowing parents to view final grades for the semester.
Instructions on granting access to eServices
The Office of Parent and Family Programs website offers a wealth of information that parents and families will find beneficial.