Green Chemistry and Emerging Contaminants Program
The Green Chemistry and Emerging Contaminants program at NYSP2I helps industries across New York State identify and adopt alternative chemicals and processes that are safer by design and reduce or eliminate hazardous substances.
NYSP2I Green Chemistry Innovation Initiative (GCI2)
Led by John Warner, a founder of green chemistry, GCI2 helps companies adopt the principles of green chemistry in order to transition away from toxic chemicals and create safe and sustainable products and processes.
GCI2 focus areas:
- Workforce development training
- Safer chemical design and product reformulation consultation
- Applied research on new, green chemicals and processes
- Implementation of green chemistry best practices in industry

Why it matters
Intentional design of greener chemical solutions that strives to understand the environmental, health, and safety impacts at conception is the best way to prevent pollution and keep people and the environment safe.
Who is eligible
Our services are available to businesses, manufacturers, educational institutions, nonprofits, and municipalities.
How it works
Funding for NYSP2I’s Green Chemistry and Emerging Contaminants program is provided by a grant to RIT from the Environmental Protection Fund as administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Significant funding assistance is available for projects we conduct with New York State companies.
Green Chemistry & Emerging Contaminants Program
NYS Pollution Prevention Institute
Phone: (585) 475-2512