Research in AI:

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Engineers develop new AI technologies and use AI tools to solve engineering problems. 

RIT’s Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering degrees provide students with the necessary foundation needed to develop new AI methods and to design electronic components and computer systems that enable AI. The bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Industrial Engineering are good options for students who want to learn more about using AI for analyzing data, forecasting future trends, and making decisions, particularly those related to manufacturing and healthcare. Students can gain additional experience with AI by engaging in undergraduate and graduate research and joining student organizations like the Multidisciplinary Robotics Club and the student chapter of IEEE. Faculty and students who are affiliated with RIT’s Center for Human-Aware AI focus on advancing brain-inspired computing, human-centered AI, machine learning and perception, and advanced automation. Others are exploring new ways to use AI to advance their research in manufacturing, renewable energy, materials discovery, medical imaging, and healthcare. Graduates of the engineering program can expect plenty of opportunities for employment that involves developing and using AI tools.

Faculty Research in Advancing AI

Amlan Ganguly

Department Head

Dr. Ganguly is building a novel type of processor called Processor-in-Memory (PIM) and developing hardware-friendly advanced machine- and deep-learning algorithms such as one-shot and zero-shot learning. The new processor differs from existing processors because it processes data where it resides rather than moving it to a separate processor which can take an order of magnitude longer than the computation itself. The novel hardware along with minimal to zero-training AI algorithms will revolutionize the way most deep learning applications are used today. This approach is expected to significantly improve computing in resource-constrained or highly dynamic environments such as autonomous vehicles and edge applications.

Alexander Loui

Professor of Practice

Dr. Loui and his team are developing advanced computer vision and machine learning algorithms for facial image understanding, remote sensing, and multimodal content analysis. The scope of his research includes developing deep learning and novel methods for video analysis and summarization, facial features and expression recognition, as well as registration and semantic segmentation of 3D point cloud data from aerial imagery. These advances will enhance the capability of next-generation imaging and biometric ID systems and improve the efficiency and accuracy in building full-spectrum synthetic scenes.

Dr. Savakis’ research focuses on computer vision, a branch of AI that deals with developing algorithms and systems that understand the content of images and videos and extract information that is useful in various applications. His team utilizes deep learning methods to detect human poses, understand facial expressions, track objects in cluttered environments, and classify various object categories under diverse conditions. Applications include human-computer interaction, autonomous navigation, medical image analysis, scene understanding, security, and image rendering.

Shanchieh Yang


Dr. Yang is developing novel AI systems to analyze and differentiate cyberattacks for security analysts in near real-time. Unlike common approaches, his team focuses on continual, semi/unsupervised learning that does not require a priori knowledge of the adversary or the system. The AI-Cyber systems adopt human-centered design from the get-go to produce interpretable and explainable outputs for analysts. This research will enhance the efficacy of cyber defense operations, enabling the often-small human team to tackle the overwhelming, diverse, deceiving, and ever-evolving cyberattacks.

Faculty Research Enabling Artificial Intelligence

Sonia Lopez Alarcon

Associate Professor

Quantum Computing has great potential to accelerate machine learning (ML) algorithms and applications. At the same time, the exploration of the vast design space of Quantum Computing can be aided by ML approaches. This research group is exploring quantum computing algorithms and implementations such as linear regression to be used for ML training and classification, and using ML for more efficient quantum computing preprocessing and compilation techniques. This research will enable several orders of magnitude acceleration of ML applications over classical approaches.

Santosh Kurinec


Dr. Kurinec is working on developing nonvolatile-memory-based ferroelectronic microdevices that can emulate the functions of synapses and neurons of human brain, for implementation in neuromorphic computing systems for AI and machine learning (ML). These devices will also enable integrating memory closer to computing elements for energy-efficient computing for AI processors. The research aims to address the rising energy consumption of computing that is posing an existential crisis with super-exponential growth of data, computing, and communications.

Cory Merkel

Assistant Professor

Dr. Merkel is designing hardware and algorithms to enable agile, energy-efficient, and trustworthy AI. This multidisciplinary research involves the emulation of biological building blocks that underlie human intelligence using analog and mixed-signal circuits. These circuits are integrated into neural network structures which have computational capabilities akin to the human brain. This work has the potential to bring safe and secure intelligent behavior to extremely size, weight, and power-constrained devices such as mobile phones, wireless sensors, drones, and several others.

Dorin Patru

Associate Professor

Dr. Patru is investigating the efficient hardware and software implementation of deep neural networks (DNNs) as these apply to AI. This is achieved through a reduction in data manipulation complexity, which also reduces the amount of data storage and transfer. The time of classification (execution), the amount of resources, the power consumption, and the cost of implementation are reduced significantly, with minimal reduction in accuracy. This research will enable sophisticated AI algorithms to be run not only on high-end but also on low-end, at-the-edge computer systems.

Stefan Preble


Dr. Preble is using photonic chips to perform AI at the speed of light with low energy usage. In this work, AI techniques are implemented using photonic circuits that operate with ultrahigh bandwidths. This research could lead to the replacement of power-hungry GPUs with photonic AI accelerator chips. Photonic AI chips are also particularly well suited for working within 5G/RF wireless and datacom/telecom networks and consequently will enable intelligent network security.

Faculty Research Using Artificial Intelligence

Nasibeh Azadeh Fard

Assistant Professor

Dr. Azadeh-Fard uses quantitative analytical methods and machine learning techniques on large healthcare data sets to understand the relationship between patient/hospital characteristics and their ultimate healthcare outcomes. Her work provides insights into the factors that influence the length of stay, in-hospital mortality, and readmission of patients with COPD and congestive heart failure. These insights will enable healthcare systems to better analyze and mitigate risks to improve patient outcomes.

Ali Baheri

Assistant Professor

Dr. Baheri focuses on research at the intersection of autonomy, controls, and machine learning to improve the safety of autonomous systems. His group explores how reinforcement learning – a machine learning technique that rewards desired behaviors – can be deployed, verified, and validated. His work seeks to advance the development of safe, certified, and efficient intelligent autonomous systems like self-driving cars, unmanned aerial vehicles, and collaborative robots.

Jairo Diaz Amaya

Assistant Professor

Dr. Díaz A. uses predictive algorithms to investigate the self-assembly of colloids. His team uses trained neural networks to detect and categorize colloids of various shapes in microscopic images. The images and tracked datasets are then used in combination with physical models to explore the dynamics of fundamental phenomena like packing and crystallization. A better understanding of these fundamental phenomena will ultimately enable the development of new nanostructured materials with unique properties.

Jamison Heard

Assistant Professor

Dr. Heard is using state-of-the-art AI techniques (i.e., multi-modal data fusion, model compression, reinforcement learning, generative modeling) to promote fluent team collaborations between humans and robots in high-stress, dynamic domains, such as search-and-rescue. In this work, machine-learning paradigms enable intelligent robotic adaptations based on robust estimates of the human’s internal state to optimize team performance. This research may lead to human-specific emergent robot behaviors that promote natural, fluid team interactions that allow robots to be used in a variety of environments.

Jason Kolodziej

Associate Professor

Dr. Kolodziej utilizes machine learning (ML) to assess the health of engineering components and systems, such as flight actuators, gas compressor valves, seals, and ventricular heart pumps. In his work, Dr. Kolodziej measures the sound or vibrations emanating from the system during operation and then analyzes the collected data sets using signal processing and machine learning techniques to diagnose the health of the equipment. Broadly applicable to many different components and systems, this work is of great interest to industry because of its potential to reduce the costs associated with downtime and improve safety by detecting faults in safety-critical components.

Michael Kuhl


Dr. Kuhl, in collaboration with Amlan Ganguly, Andres Kwasinski, and Clark Hochgraf, is using AI in the design of intelligent Material Handling Systems (iMHS) including task selection, path planning, localization, navigation, and communication of autonomous mobile robots in a warehouse environment. AI applications in iMHS could lead to increased productivity, efficiency, safety, reliability, and robustness of material handling and supply chain systems.

Andres Kwasinski


Dr. Kwasinski is using AI to realize wireless devices that are self-aware of their operating situation and can learn how to adapt their operation to the conditions in a wireless network. Analogous to self-driving vehicles that learn how to move around in our physical 3D world, Dr. Kwasinski’s research into cognitive radios enables wireless devices that learn by themselves how to autonomously operate in the environment of the radio spectrum. With their capacity to develop awareness of the operating conditions and to adapt their operation to the environment, cognitive radios can make wireless communications more efficient and resilient, providing ubiquitous radio communications that are tuned to the end-user needs.

Dr. Dongfang Liu’s research uses artificial intelligence and deep learning to address real-world challenges with societal relevance. Examples include autonomous driving, mobile agents, smart transportation, and geospatial computing. Ongoing projects include autonomous driving perception and video instance segmentation. The algorithmic and analytical products developed by Dr. Liu contribute to the advancement of contemporary autonomous robots and computer vision research.

Rui Liu

Assistant Professor

Dr. Liu is working on developing a flexible, cost effective, and accurate machining monitoring system to detect cutting tool conditions and relevant machining situations using AI techniques. In this work, AI is used as a decision-making algorithm to detect machining problems from various monitored signals. This research work could lead to a smart monitoring solution to meet the requirements of Industry 4.0 in the machining industry.

Sergey Lyshevski


Dr. Lyshevski is analyzing information governance, complexity, and data processing in physical and cyber domains to empower system intelligence, data quality, and cybersecurity. Parametric and non-parametric statistical models, heterogeneous Markov-Turing descriptive paradigm, and adaptive control schemes are examined, applied, and validated. The work applies new approaches, algorithms, design schemes, and technology developments to legacy systems and new autonomous intelligent platforms. This work will enable dynamic data-driven intelligent decision-and-controls and management of cyber-physical defense systems.

Katie McConky

Department Head

Dr. McConky is using AI techniques to solve large combinatorial optimization problems. In this work, deep learning techniques are used to solve problems with exponential decision spaces in a fast and efficient manner. As one example, we can train a single model and quickly provide quality solutions to team-orienteering problems of various sizes. This work has applications in improving the speed and quality of logistics solutions, such as the scheduling of transportation routes or optimizing kidney exchange networks.

Cory Merkel

Assistant Professor

Dr. Merkel is collaborating with the National Technical Institute for the Deaf to improve the performance of smart assistants for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) users. Current smart assistant devices such as Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri are biased toward users with “typical” speech patterns. In this work, researchers are gathering a large dataset of speech samples from DHH individuals with low speech intelligibility. The data will be used to develop new techniques that can augment the behavior of state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition algorithms for atypical speech.

Dr. Padmanabhan is using AI techniques to accelerate the development of new materials that exhibit both solid-like and liquid-like properties, such as toothpaste, yogurt, and bio-injectable gels. In this work, AI techniques are used to design the particle-particle interactions that lead to specific microstructures, which in turn affect the mechanical properties of the materials. As one example, this research could lead to the development of injectable gels that promote wound healing and bone regeneration.

Ruben Proano

Associate Professor

Dr. Proano works at the intersection of data analytics and operations research. He is interested in the use of prescriptive analytics and optimization modeling in healthcare. With a passion for increasing worldwide access to vaccines, he has analytics and optimization models to study and make recommendations for changes to vaccine markets.

Isaac Bernabe Perez Raya

Assistant Professor

Dr. Perez-Raya is developing data and physics-driven artificial intelligence (AI) models for medical imaging, pollution monitoring, and optimization problems. His work focuses on developing techniques that can use sparse and noisy experimental measurements to generate a de-noised high-resolution and reliable solution. As one example, his research could lead to more reliable and effective detection of tumors and diseases from medical images.

Ehsan Rashedi

Assistant Professor

Dr. Rashedi uses AI to better understand and monitor human movement. Using data analytics Dr. Rashedi seeks to better predict fall risk among post-stroke patients, measure the efficacy of and improve rehabilitation programs, and study and design improved exoskeleton systems.

Michael Richards

Assistant Professor

Dr. Richards uses convolutional neural networks to develop efficient methods for improving the point-of-care evaluation of pathological conditions associated with mechanical changes of soft tissue, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and musculoskeletal disorders. His team trains neural networks using simulated data, rather than large patient data sets, to quickly develop neural networks with different characteristics for a variety of applications. Deployment of these trained neural networks on measured data, typically acquired from ultrasound imaging systems, can improve the accuracy, efficiency, and usability of these techniques in point-of-care patient diagnosis and monitoring.

Ferat Sahin

Department Head

Dr. Sahin’s research uses AI and machine learning (ML) techniques for research involving collaborative robotics, novelty detection systems, gesture detection, swarm intelligence, and indoor navigation. In the case of collaborative robotics, his group uses AI and ML techniques to determine the location and mental state (comfort index) of humans working with cobots by measuring location and physiological signals such as heart rate, pupil size, and galvanic skin response. This work will improve the safety and efficiency of collaborative robotic systems. In the case of novelty detection systems, ML and AI are used to determine when machines and living beings are operating outside of their normal limits so that technicians and caretakers can be informed that an intervention is required.

Bing Yan

Assistant Professor

In collaboration with the University of Connecticut, Dr. Yan is using AI techniques to improve the modeling and solving of operation optimization problems in power and manufacturing systems. In this work, AI techniques are used to tighten the mixed-integer linear problem formulations and efficiently solve subproblems in the decomposition and coordination framework. This research could lead to the development of AI-based formulation tightening approaches and AI-based optimization methods to reduce the operation costs of power systems and improve the on-time delivery of manufacturing systems.

Zhi Zheng

Assistant Professor

Dr. Zheng is using AI for mental healthcare. In this work, her team uses AI techniques to understand human behaviors, physiological responses, and mental states. This research allows the discovery of subtle behavioral, physiological, and psychological changes that are hard to observe using traditional methods. Subtle patterns that are connected to mental disorders, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, sensory abnormality, and cognitive impairments, can be essential for effective screening and treatment. These AI elements allow the development of adaptive and personalized assessment and intervention systems for individuals with mental disorders.