Chapters: Student Clubs

The Office of Alumni Relations has partnered with many student clubs and organizations over the years to help plan anniversaries and milestone celebrations, collaborate on special events, and leverage resources for major weekends such as Brick City Homecoming and Imagine RIT. Through this partnership, we help encourage your organization's alumni to return to campus and reconnect. We look forward to collaborating with students or alumni from any student club or organization that would benefit from our assistance. Below are some ways we can help.

Let us act as your database. We can store your alumni information and provide a delegate in your organization with a list anytime it is needed. All we ask is that you help us keep it accurate by providing us with any updates you receive.

Use our broadcast email services or mailing supplies to send special messages, newsletters, and notices of upcoming events to your alumni. We can also market your upcoming events and activities on the alumni website, and in appropriate alumni publications such as the Tiger's Tale and University Magazine.

Event Management/Online Registration
Use our website to help with online event registration for any of your alumni programs. This includes credit card processing for alumni and guests. Money that is collected through online registration will be reimbursed to your organization or used to pay expenses related to the event.

We continue to engage and expand our relationships with all of the student clubs and organizations on campus. We remain committed to finding ways to support students and alumni through networking and mentoring and can put you in touch with the current club.

For more information, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 1.866.748.2586 or via email at