
Volunteer and Get Involved
At the heart of RIT’s volunteer program is the spirit of giving back. You can find your inspiration right here as you give your time and talent to your alma mater. On campus or close to home, we’ve got a great fit as you look for fulfilling volunteer opportunities. The commitment is small but the rewards are great.

Campus Events
Campus events are an excellent way to reconnect by volunteering as you provide information to new guests on campus, hand out programs, assist in welcome center registrations, and much more. These volunteer roles may seem simple but are very necessary and greatly appreciated as an integral piece of our major campus events such as Brick City Homecoming, Imagine RIT, and Commencement Ceremonies. We couldn’t do it without you, and we’d rather do it with you!

Admissions Volunteers
We invite you to join the Tiger Alumni Recruitment Program (TARP)!
The Office of Undergraduate Admissions depends on RIT alumni to help identify and recruit talented high school students from around the globe and share information about RIT. The more active our alumni, the farther the reach of our office. As we continue to seek a diverse population of academically talented students, we invite you to join the Tiger Alumni Recruitment Program in this exciting and important endeavor.
There are several ways to get involved with TARP:
- Refer a student for the RIT Alumni Referral Award (Potential of a $1,000/year award for four years)
- Assist with admissions events
- Tiger Spirit Card Writing Campaign
For more specific details on the above programs, visit our Tiger Alumni Recruitment Program page.