Introduction to Beekeeping
Presenter: Austin Quinlan
Webinar Date: 12-07-2016

Introduction to Beekeeping

Did you know that fully one third of the U.S. diet depends on honey bee pollination? Honey bees provide 80 percent of pollination for vegetable, fruit, seed and flower crops. They also pollinate the forage crops fed to dairy and meat animals. In this way, bees add at least $10 billion to the value of more than 90 U.S. crops. Honey bees also provide $150 million in honey each year, and at least another $50 million in beeswax used in cosmetics, polish, and candles. As such, beekeeping is incredibly important to us today and the role of a beekeeper has a long history of being one of the most important contributors to the production of many agricultural crops. In this webinar you will learn:

- How to start beekeeping at home
- Why protecting honey bees is important
- Current efforts from the RIT Beekeepers Club

Austin Quinlan
Austin Quinlan /