3D Printing – Turning Ideas Into Reality
Presenter: ___
Webinar Date: 06-30-2016

3D Printing – Turning Ideas Into Reality

3D printing is set to revolutionize manufacturing processes and methodologies worldwide. Whether at an industrial, local or even personal level, 3D printing brings a host of benefits that traditional methods of manufacture (or prototyping) simply cannot. And, the global market for 3D printing is expected to reach over $49 billion by 2025. In this webinar by Dr. Denis Cormier, you will learn:

- By allowing nearly anyone to easily turn their ideas into physical prototypes at very modest cost, 3D printing is accelerating the rate of innovation.
- 3D printing is not just for plastic parts. Advanced 3D printing processes exist to produce metal or ceramic parts as well.
- 3D printing makes it possible to produce complex shapes with advanced performance that are impossible to produce via conventional manufacturing processes.
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