Release the Hidden Blocks Preventing Your Greatest Manifestations Part 2
Presenter: ___
Webinar Date: 06-30-2016

Release the Hidden Blocks Preventing Your Greatest Manifestations Part 2

If you are hitting walls in your career, feeling unfulfilled despite doing all the rights things, or experiencing resistance and feeling blocked from achieving your deepest desires, this webinar is for you. You will learn insights into possible hidden causes and how to unlock them by harnessing your own energy.

- Takeaway #1: We use our energy whether we know it or not so learn how to use it to help your career and life!
- Takeaway #2: Childhood modeling can affect our career & life but we can change it.
- Takeaway #3: We have incredible power at our fingertips to release unwanted negativity and the power to 'program in' what we desire.
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