RIT Alumni House Crowdfunding Informational
Presenter: Jerome Jackson
Associate director, Crowdfunding and Kelly Redder, assistant vice president, RIT for Life and director of the RIT Alumni House
Webinar Date: 03-10-2016

RIT Alumni House Crowdfunding Informational

Alumni matter at RIT! You and your fellow alumni are so important to the future to the university, and the next exciting alumni initiative is underway. Join us to learn more about the RIT Alumni House, and how you can play an important role in making this great alumni facility a reality. Renovation of an estate home on campus that will become the new Alumni House is ready to begin. The RIT Alumni House will be a beautiful and highly functional facility for alumni activities and gatherings, and will help build a stronger relationship between alumni and the university. But we can't begin renovations without alumni support. We need you to become a champion in the campaign for the RIT Alumni House. To begin the fundraising for this major renovation project, we are launching the first RIT alumni-driven crowdfunding campaign. Our goal is to raise $100,000 of the $1.2 million needed to complete the transformation of the existing home into the RIT Alumni House.

During this webinar, you'll find out how you can lend your support and volunteer to become a champion of our crowdfunding campaign that launches next month. After this webinar, you'll be asked to:

Create an online profile including a bio and photo.
Upload any contact list you have.
Send an email once or twice a week.

Jerome Jackson
Jerome Jackson / Associate director, Crowdfunding and Kelly Redder, assistant vice president, RIT for Life and director of the RIT Alumni House