Rising Above the Storms
Presenter: Alphonsine Imaniraguha '08
Network Engineer with Cisco Systems
Webinar Date: 02-12-2016

Rising Above the Storms

How does one rise above tragic loss amid incredibly dark circumstances and forge ahead to build an impactful life? Join us for a compelling webinar of hope and courage and hear one woman's story. Alumna Alphonsine Imaniraguha will share how she was able to rise above the storms to continue her education and succeed despite the circumstances. In this webinar, you will learn how to:

Find hope amid devastating loss
Change lives, one at a time
Survive heinous crimes against humanity
Alphonsine Imaniraguha '08
Alphonsine Imaniraguha '08 / Network Engineer with Cisco Systems
Alphonsine Imaniraguha is a Network Engineer with Cisco Systems in Raleigh, North Carolina. She was born in Rwanda where she lived until moving to the US in 2006 to pursue a Master's Degree at RIT. She is also motivational speaker through her non-profit Rising Above the Storms (RAS) with a goal to encourage with a message of Hope, Forgiveness & Love, empower through Education for Youth-at-risk and Advocate for Orphans worldwide.