Patent Protection and Searchable Database for Graphic Arts Technology Users and OEM's Patent Trolls
Presenter: Harvey R. Levenson '67, Ph.D.
Professor emeritus and former department head at Cal Poly State University
Webinar Date: 11-25-2015

Patent Protection and Searchable Database for Graphic Arts Technology Users and OEM's Patent Trolls

Patents are the driving force behind technology developments in the worldwide graphic arts community. With high levels of patent production come problems, particularly in the area of software patents. Even when hardware is developed, such as computer-to-plate (CTP) devices, printing presses, and related technology, the hardware is driven by software. In this webinar, you will learn about:

Defending existing patents.
Challenging trolls and invalid patents.
Finding prior art.
Harvey R. Levenson '67, Ph.D.
Harvey R. Levenson '67, Ph.D. / Professor emeritus and former department head at Cal Poly State University
Dr. Harvey R. Levenson is professor emeritus and past director of the Graphic Communication Institute at Cal Poly (GrCI), and past head of the graphic communication department. The Institute focuses on industry research, testing, product evaluations, consulting, training, seminars, workshops, conferences, and publishing. The department offers undergraduate and graduate degrees.

Dr. Levenson is an active researcher, consultant, expert witness and speaker on matters related to printing, technology, digital imaging, graphic arts patents, copyrights, trade secrets, media, and communication, and he has authored many articles and books on these subjects. He has been a technical consultant to approximately 250 printing and related companies, and has conducted numerous seminars and workshops on traditional and digital printing including variable data printing. Dr. Levenson's books include, Understanding Graphic Communication: Selected Readings published by GATFPress, Some Ideas About Doing Research in Graphic Communication, published by The Good Neighbor Press, and Introduction to Graphic Communication published by GATFPress. Dr. Levenson is also featured in a documentary movie update entitled Harvest of Wisdom tracing the evolution of graphic communication from the dawn of civilization to the present and prospects for the future. The movie producers are PIA MidAmerica and the Nolan Moore Foundation.