Taxation and Charitable Giving
Presenter: Craig H. Smith
Associate vice president for development at RIT
Webinar Date: 11-16-2015

Taxation and Charitable Giving

There are benefits to making a charitable gift, and those benefits may differ depending on the gift made. Learn about the different methods of charitable giving and how each might apply to your tax filing. In this webinar, we will discuss:

Gift tax and income tax considerations.
Deductions and exemptions.
Capital gains.
Generation skipping tax.
Gift/estate tax free gifts.

Craig H. Smith
Craig H. Smith / Associate vice president for development at RIT

Craig is best known for his leadership, personal solicitation skills, and gift planning know-how. Craig currently leads the University Development team at Rochester Institute of Technology. In this role, he manages a group of 24 professionals in major gifts, corporate and foundation relations. In his eight years at RIT, his team has helped to raise more than $120 million. Before joining RIT, Craig worked as a Senior Consultant with John Brown Limited for more than 25 years. He directed client relations in higher education, the arts, healthcare, and cultural organizations nationwide, including the National Geographic Society, the University of Michigan, all of the campuses of the University of North Carolina, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. He has helped to develop and manage campaigns from as small at $6 million to as large as $2.5 billion.