Planting the Seeds of Trust in the First 10 Seconds
Presenter: Bob Whipple
The Trust Ambassador, CEO of Leadergrow, Inc.
Webinar Date: 09-22-2015

Planting the Seeds of Trust in the First 10 Seconds

Anyone can learn how to plant a seed of trust when first meeting people, and doing so will result in their relationship progressing at 10 times the rate that it otherwise would. From the nationally renowned trust expert, you will learn:

How to create immediate credibility when meeting people
Tips on interpreting and managing body language
How to plant seeds that grow into trust

Bob Whipple
Bob Whipple / The Trust Ambassador, CEO of Leadergrow, Inc.

Bob Whipple is CEO of Leadergrow Incorporated, an organization dedicated to development of leaders. He speaks on leadership topics and the development of trust in numerous venues internationally. He also teaches leadership and business classes at several universities. As a leadership coach and business consultant, he works with individual clients as well as large organizations such as government agencies, corporations, and The Rochester Business Alliance. A highly successful leader at a Fortune 500 company for over 30 years, Mr. Whipple accomplished revolutionary change while leading a division of over 2000 people through the application of outstanding 'people' skills.