How to Negotiate for Higher Salary, and Other Rules of Negotiation
Presenter: Shal Khazanchi
Associate professor and director of graduate degree programs in the management department of the Saunders College of Business at RIT
Webinar Date: 07-01-2015

How to Negotiate for Higher Salary, and Other Rules of Negotiation

Negotiation is all about knowing your opponent and strategically applying moves and turns to sway the person. This is still true when negotiating salary. Some of the most important negotiations in your life will likely concern your career, and that can be daunting – so much so that 57% of people never try to negotiate their salary. Don't be part of that statistic. Learn the essentials of negotiation so you're ready for the conversation. Join us as we talk about:

- Common mistakes of negotiations and how to avoid them.
- When to back out of a negotiation and when to push harder.
- How to assess your opponent and predict what issues might arise.
Shal Khazanchi
Shal Khazanchi / Associate professor and director of graduate degree programs in the management department of the Saunders College of Business at RIT