An Insider's Guide for Parents
Presenter: Manny Contomanolis, PhD
Senior associate vice president enrollment management and career services
Webinar Date: 06-16-2015

An Insider's Guide for Parents

Cooperative education is an important hands-on experience for students that can pave the way for a future career. As a parent, help your student find his/her best co-op by learning more about RIT's co-op program goals and objectives, how the co-op job search is conducted and what supportive role you can play as a parent.
Manny Contomanolis, PhD
Manny Contomanolis, PhD / Senior associate vice president enrollment management and career services
Manny has more than 35 years of experience in higher education and experiential learning and is active as a speaker, consultant and author. He is past president of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and a member of the NACE Academy of Fellows. He is the recipient of several awards and honors including recognition as one of the 10 most innovative leaders in university career services.