Past Class Notes

Submission Date:
First Name: John
Last Name: Voymas
Class Year: 1979
John Voymas
Note: John Voymas '79 (SCB) was re-elected to a second two-year term on American Men's national board of directors. Besides supporting the members of the sixteen local groups in the Great Lakes & Ohio Valley Region (which includes Rochester), he is one of fifteen voting members at the national level. John is also a council member of the RIT Alumni Chapter of Detroit.
Submission Date:
First Name: Timothy
Last Name: LaLonde
Class Year: 1987
Note: Tim LaLonde '87 (SCB) started a new job April 2019 in Los Angeles as Chief Financial Officer at Overhill Farms, one of the leading frozen food manufacturers in the USA, and part of CP Foods.
Submission Date:
First Name: Charles
Last Name: Bjanes
Class Year: 1994
Chazz & Chris with Wolverine mural
Note: In June 2019, Charles (Chazz) '94 (CIAS) and Chris (Mino) '94, MST '95 Bjanes visited the RIT campus again after many years, to celebrate a 25 year graduation anniversary. Upon entering the residence hall tunnels, they were excited to see that Wolverine still existed! They fondly remember painting this mural as freshmen with fellow classmates, Jen Pogorzola '94 (CIAS), Josh Maruska '95 (CIAS), Erik Nielsen, and Phil Hoff '94 (CIAS), with a shout-out to Derick Burns '94 (CIAS). Thank you, RIT, for keeping this tradition alive.
Submission Date:
First Name: Stacy
Last Name: Johnson
Class Year: 1996
2019 Society of Women Engineers Spark Award Winner, Stacy Kalisz Johnson
Note: For creating and nurturing a multitude of mentoring relationships; for a legacy of networks among women at all career stages; and for dedicated and tireless volunteering, Stacy Kalisz Johnson BS/MS '96 (KGCOE) received a Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Spark Award at the SWE National Conference. The Spark Award Honors an individual who has contributed to the advancement of women by mentoring those around them.
Submission Date:
First Name: Edward
Last Name: Shanshala
Class Year: 1987, 2000
Edward D Shanshala II, MSHSA, MSEd
Note: Ed Shanshala '87 (COS), MS '00 (CAST) has been appointed by the New Hampshire Commissioner of Health and Human Services to serve on two state commissions. The first is the State Health Assessment (SHA) and the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) Advisory Council last convened in 2013. The second is the Working Group on the Plan Preparation of a Medicaid Adult Dental Benefit.
Ed writes "It is a privilege and a pleasure to bring his education and experience to the table in creating future health and wellness opportunities for the residents of New Hampshire."