Past Class Notes

Submission Date:
First Name: Joel
Last Name: Miller
Class Year: 1977
Note: Joel Miller '77 (CLA) is now living in Oak Park, I.L. and is the director of operations for North Shore Congregation Israel -- one of the largest reform congregations in the Chicago area.
Submission Date:
First Name: Joseph
Last Name: Stevens
Class Year: 1978
Enjoying time in Venice with wife Janie
Note: Joseph Stevens '78 (GAP) retired on January 7, 2022. After 44 years of working in the printing industry, he am now volunteering at NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) as a facilitator. He also has 5 grandchildren.
Submission Date:
First Name: Mark
Last Name: Higgins
Class Year: 1997, 2003
RIT Autism Open 2022 - Triangle Members
Note: Mark Higgins '97 (SCB), MBA '03 (SCB) and Ron Toper '97 (SCB), MBA '98 (SCB) hosted the 13th Annual Autism Open. This year's event raised $23,500 for Autism Up, a local Autism support group in Rochester N.Y. In 13 years of the event, RIT graduates, including many from the Triangle Fraternity in the late 80s and 90s, have helped the event raise over $190,000. RIT Grads in attendance included:

1983 - David Payne
1988 - Brian Fox
1990 - Vince Hesketh
1992 - Dave Bardusch
1994 - Mike Derose, James Stroud, Mike Scorzelli, Trevor Young, Jim Senall
1995 - Chris Merz, Donny Gentilcore, Eric Schmidt, Jack Degrace, John Flannery
1996 - Ryan Shooshan
1997 / 1998 - Ron Toper
1997 / 2003 - Mark Higgins
1999 - Ryan Kiley
2000 - Eddie Aro
2001 / 2002 - Adam Platzer
2007 - Dan Christner
??? - Josh Zenkel, Dave Peneskovic, Dave Browne & Jeff Fitch

The Autism Open thanks you for your years of generosity and looks forward to seeing all the RIT grads at the 14th Annual Autism Open in June 2023!
Submission Date:
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Chida
Class Year: 1984
Note: Paul Chida '84 (KGCOE) retired from Boeing Company in 2020 after 35 years. He was married in 2020 and is now living in Florida.
Submission Date:
First Name: Tom
Last Name: Fecteau
Class Year: 1976
What RPCN is about
Note: Tom Fecteau '76 (SCB) recently became the membership chair and a board member for the Rochester Professional Consultants Network (RPCN) based in Rochester, N.Y. and supports consultants worldwide. RPCN provides fellowship, education, and coaching/mentoring services for consultants and professionals who have recently begun independently selling their expertise. They also support specialists who have ended their corporate careers and are investigating starting a consulting practice. Learn more at