Student Alumni Alliance Biographies

Naemy Asmorom BS '25 Biomedical Sciences

RIT Tiger

College of Health Sciences and Technology

Dallas, TX

Why did you come to RIT?
When I was applying to colleges, I was looking for schools that will provide a strong STEM curriculum and provide a community where I can thrive which led me to RIT. RIT provides a community of support and a commitment to education especially for someone interested in the healthcare field. I have already gotten the opportunity to gain leadership skills in Alpha Sigma Alpha, do summer research and present it at a large conference in California, and help create a mentorship program for students in my major. These opportunities wouldn't have been possible if I had gone to a different school.

Bertan Berker BS '25 Computer Science

RIT Tiger

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences


Why did you come to RIT?
RIT's exceptional academic programs and co-op opportunities initially drew me in, but what ultimately convinced me to choose RIT was the welcoming and passionate community. Knowing that I would be far from home during college, I sought a place where I could find mentorship, support, and care and I am extremely glad to say that I found a second home for myself with great friends that I call my second family.

Olivia Brinkman BS '25 Software Engineering

RIT Tiger

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Patchogue, Long Island, NY

Why did you come to RIT?
I came to RIT because it felt like my home away from home. I also came to RIT for the co-op exposure. Co-op made RIT stand out from other schools I was looking at. 

Sofia Bruce BS '27 Packaging Science

RIT Tiger

College of Engineering Technology

Buffalo, NY

Why did you come to RIT?
I chose RIT because the school is close to home and has a very good reputation for my program, packaging science.

Ana Paolini Carrano BS '27 Biochemistry

RIT Tiger Ana Paolini Carrano

College of Science

Miami, FL

Why did you come to RIT?
I ultimately chose RIT as it provides an environment that encourages students to step out of their comfort zone and explore their interests. What drew me to RIT originally was the ability to be involved in research as a freshman in the College of Science, as it not only aligns with my academic interests but also reflects the supportive and hands-on approach of the faculty here. 

Kathryn Castoria BS '25 ASL Interpreting

RIT Tiger

National Technical Institute for the Deaf

Massapequa, NY

Why did you come to RIT?
I came to RIT because it was one of the best schools in the country for my program. There are so many ways to get involved on campus, and being involved in my school's community was a very important factor for me. I also loved how RIT incorporates performing arts on campus as that is something I have been passionate about since I was 4. Overall, I chose RIT because there are always new things to try on campus and RIT is constantly adding new things for students to do.

Liam Conroe BS '27 Journalism

RIT Tiger Liam Conroe

College of Liberal Arts

Jamestown, NY

Why did you come to RIT?
I was interested in RIT from tours and experiencing the productive and welcoming community of the university. The opportunity to gain work experience through co-op programs particularly intrigued me as well.

Alex Fazzino BS '25 Applied Statistics/Data Analytics

RIT Tiger

College of Science

Fanwood, NJ

Why did you come to RIT?
I decided to come to RIT because of the Co-op opportunities that were offered. RIT has a excellent track record of getting students internship and Co-op opportunities that eventually lead into jobs, which is something that really attracted me to this school.

Bradley Galeazzo BS '27 Electrical Engineering

RIT Tiger

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Jamestown, NY

Why did you come to RIT?
I've known about RIT for years after attending Imagine RIT when I was younger. When I started looking at colleges programs that interested me, RIT stuck as a school that checked all the boxes. Not only am I receiving an incredible education, I am also being given the opportunity to continue participating in performing arts activities and sharing what I love to do to the rest of campus.

Olivia Gauthier BS '27 Software Engineering

RIT Tiger

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Kingston, MA

Why did you come to RIT?
I came to RIT because on both of my tours I felt like I was at home. I toured over 30 schools and RIT was the one I compared all others to. I could just see myself on campus. I also came to RIT for the co-op program because I wanted field experience before graduating. Finally, my tour happened during Zeta Tau Alpha's Think Pink week. I come from an all-girls high school and it was amazing to see a group of sisters raising money for a great cause and I knew I wanted to be a part of that!

Rafael Gilboa BS '26 Software Engineering

RIT Tiger

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Pittsburgh, PA

Why did you come to RIT?
RIT is one of the premier institutions for computing-related study in the world. Additionally, they provide ample access to merit-based aid to help gather the highest achieving students from all walks of life into the RIT family. Finally its dedication to cooperative education and the knowledge that should you seek it out, there will always be opportunities for you to go above and beyond, are all what brought me to this school.

Julia Gill BS '27 Biomedical Engineering

RIT Tiger

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Poughkeepsie, NY

Why did you come to RIT?
I came to RIT because I really loved the community of people here. All of the professors, students, and teammates are so welcoming and really want to see everyone succeed and find their path. I also really liked how the co-op program was integrated into the course schedule, and that I could participate in a variety of work experiences before I graduate.

Guerline Guerrier BS '25 Biomedical Sciences (Pre-Med)

RIT Tiger

College of Health Sciences and Technology

Queens, NY

Why did you come to RIT?
I originally didn't plan on coming to RIT; it was a school I had just applied to and never visited because of how far it was from New York City. When decision time came around, I weighed all of my options and RIT was best in terms of the programs offered, along with my financial aid offer. I knew it was the place for me. In my time here I have gained the opportunity to do many more things that were never on my radar; from my joining of Unity House, to my current role in the Student Alumni Alliance. With RIT's rising rank in the college community, I think coming here was one of the best decisions I have ever made as a student. My future goals of becoming a medical student seem much more realistic and achievable. 

Trishelle Hoopes BS '26 Chemical Engineering & Economics

RIT Tiger

Kate Gleason College of Engineering & Saunders College of Business

Lancaster, PA

Why did you come to RIT?
I initially came to RIT for the academic options it gave me. I am now happy to say that I am glad I came to RIT, as the people truly make the place.

Key’Mon Jenkins BS ’26 Computer Engineering

RIT Tiger

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

St. Louis, MO

Why did you come to RIT?
The community seemed like one for me; a nice welcoming environment.  

Lily Kniseley BFA '25 New Media Design

RIT Tiger

College of Art and Design

San Diego, CA

Why did you come to RIT?
I had a family friend who went to RIT and studied New Media Design. I knew I wanted to go into the design field, and RIT had a great reputation. I loved the smaller class sizes in the College of Art and Design and the way that this college allowed for their students to expand their creativity. 

Jenna Kwan BS '27 Biotechnology and Molecular Bioscience

RIT Tiger Jenna Kwan

College of Science

Brooklyn, New York

Why did you come to RIT?
I came to RIT for the resources available to students regarding co-ops and academic experience. The university's prominence in technology and innovation drew me in, and my interest in biotechnology, which is not too commonly offered as a bachelor's degree, led me here. RIT would allow me to dive right into the major and hopefully find my path. I hoped to explore different fields while gaining new experiences in the community, and RIT seemed like the choice for me. 

Sophia Larson BS '25 Cybersecurity

RIT Tiger

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Rochester, NY

Why did you come to RIT?
I came to RIT for the opportunities I couldn't find elsewhere. 

Lys Luzolo BS '25 Marketing

RIT Tiger

Saunders College of Business

Rochester, NY

Why did you come to RIT?
I wanted to be surrounded by a community of students that are dedicated to their success.

Cameron Merritt BS '26 Chemical Engineering, Applied Statistics

RIT Tiger

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Seattle, Washington, London, England

Why did you come to RIT?
I came to RIT because having a real-world work experience was incredibly important to me with my engineering degree. 

Jack O'Donnell BS '27 Cybersecurity

RIT Tiger

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Chapel Hill, NC

Why did you come to RIT?
I was most interested in the career focused and specialized education pathway that RIT offers.

Laila Porter BS '26 New Media Interactive Development

RIT Tiger

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Baltimore, Maryland

Why did you come to RIT?
I knew I wanted to do something with coding, and I wasn't exactly sure what and RIT offered computing exploration which allowed me to find the exact major I wanted to do. I have also been very involved in performing arts my whole life and RIT is very interested in incorporating performing arts into the school which I love.

Samantha Schlectman BS '26 American Sign Language Interpretation and Education

RIT Tiger Samantha Schlectman

National Technical Institute for the Deaf

East Meadow, NY

Why did you come to RIT?
I came to RIT for the Deaf community and the opportunities. RIT has one of the best programs for interpreting. I have had so many great experiences already with so many more to come.

Onvida Serixay BS '27 Computer Engineering Technology

RIT Tiger

College of Engineering Technology

Buffalo, NY

Why did you come to RIT?
I became interested in RIT when I first knew my brother had attended RIT and when applying to colleges my senior year of high school, I became interested in the majors available. After I got accepted into RIT, I took my chances at living far away from home, but not too far away.

Gemma Sobieraj BS '25 Biomedical Engineering

RIT Tiger

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Rochester, NY

Why did you come to RIT?
I came to RIT because it is close to home and it provided opportunities to me I couldn't find at other schools. I wanted an engineering program that allowed me to gain full-time work experience and the opportunity to work towards my masters in my undergraduate coursework. I also admired the value of Student Life. As a Rochester native, I know the importance of RIT programming and outreach from the Lilac Festival, to the annual Fringe Fest, to our own Imagine RIT. I knew that I wanted to get involved in my community to help make this campus a better, more inclusive, and empowering space.