The Collection

In 2015 Marie Graham, Tom’s sister, gifted the B. Thomas Golisano Collection to the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Archives feeling confident in RIT’s ability to nurture the collection and, through its utilization of technology, make it accessible to others.

Tom Golisano’s lifetime of accolades, significant philanthropic contributions, and respected relationships with business leaders and educators has opened doors, changed perceptions, and forged unprecedented partnerships.

Tom Golisano’s relationship with RIT began more than 20 years ago and has been cemented by his philanthropic gifts, totaling $26 million, that have supported the establishment of the B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences, Golisano Institute for Sustainability, and the Eugene Polisseni Hockey Center. The B. Thomas Golisano Collection is housed at the RIT Archives and recent efforts to digitize the collection have created a digital exhibit, increasing viewer engagement and accessibility.

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Timeline of the Archive

  1. Screenshot of a document

    Draft Proposal

    2013 – Present

    “Enclosed is a draft proposal from RIT on Tom’s Archive Project. They’ve outlined three different options: Traditional, Display, and Enhanced.” Correspondence from ED of the Golisano Foundation, Ann Costello, to Marie Graham.

  2. Rendering of archive

    Presentation of Initial Archive

    2014 – Present

    Presentation of Initial Archive Elements containing the expense breakdown for the archivist, materials storage and digitization, display, and statement of intent.

  3. Tom Golisano standing with a woman wearing white

    Thoughtful planning

    2014 – Present

    After thoughtful planning and careful review, Marie Graham approved the Archive Project proposal to create the B. Thomas Golisano Archive Collection.

  4. Screenshot of a letter

    Funding for the archive

    2014 – Present

    Funding for the B. Thomas Golisano Archive Collection gifted by Marie Graham. Marie received thank you notes from Pres., William Destler, and VP, Lisa Cauda, for her vision and generosity.

  5. Golisano family standing in front of the archive


    2015 – Present

    Family of B. Thomas Golisano publicly announce the selection of RIT as the home for Tom Golisano’s personal and professional archive. The exhibit housed in The Wallace Center is opened to the public.

  6. Tom Golisano standing with a group of people

    Contributions to global health

    2017 – Present

    Tom Golisano’s contributions to global health was highlighted in the Golisano Archive display, marking the success of Special Olympics’ Healthy Communities initiative.

  7. Built not born book in an archive

    Built not Born

    2020 – Present

    In celebration of the launch of Tom Golisano’s first book, Built, Not Born, the Golisano Archive display reflects Tom’s impactful business and entrepreneurial contributions.

Digital kiosk

The Digital Exhibition

We collect, preserve, and facilitate access to a wide range of materials relating to Tom Golisano.