Saunders Ranks for Capsim Capstone Business Simulation 2023-2024

Teams of Saunders seniors manage virtual companies via a capstone simulation.
Annually, the top teams are recognized based on worldwide rankings.

The Capsim Capstone Business Simulation is a triannual global tournament that crowns the best student teams to "run" a multimillion-dollar corporation. It is used by 1,500+ universities and companies in more than 50 countries for business learning. This simulation puts theory into practice and teams are judged with a balanced scorecard, taking into account management decisions impacting the company’s finances, customers, internal processes, learning, and growth. 

The simulation is run by Professor Jennifer Matic, Ph.D, previously by Professor Clyde Hull, Ph.D.Professor Ezekiel Leo, Ph.D., and Professor Stephen Luxmore, Ph.D. All professor’s teams placed above the 90% percentile.




99th percentile, Baldwin team

98th percentile, Chester team