Anne Zachmeyer bids farewell to RIT after 37 years

From downtown beginnings to educational programs, career filled with growth and cherished memories


Anne Zachmeyer is retiring after 37 years at RIT, where her career was filled with international educational programs, cherished memories, and lasting relationships.

Anne Zachmeyer, who is retiring in June after recently marking 37 years at the university, began her RIT career downtown in the former School of Applied Industrial Studies, then part of the College of Continuing Education (CCE).

She started out as a registration assistant and later became a program assistant for the Master of Science in career and human resources development (CHRD) and instructional technology (IT) programs.

“I have many fond memories of being downtown when Midtown, McCurdy’s, and even Sibley’s were still open,” recalled Zachmeyer, who met her husband shortly after starting at RIT when he was attending workshops for General Motors employees in downtown Rochester.

“You could find great sales during the holiday season and during the warmer weather I enjoyed sitting with co-workers during lunch, just people watching and enjoying a ‘dirt dog’ from the many street vendors,” she added.

Zachmeyer worked downtown for a decade before CCE was merged into the College of Applied Science and Technology, now the College of Engineering Technology. The MS in CHRD and IT programs later moved to the fourth floor of Eastman Hall, becoming part of the Department of Food, Hotel and Tourism, now Hospitality and Tourism Management in Saunders College of Business at RIT.

She also worked with the MS in Service Leadership and Hospitality Tourism programs while coordinating the Executive Leader program for each of the four MS programs “I wore many hats during this time—from budgeting and scheduling to advising and everything in-between,” said Zachmeyer. “I worked with Executive Leader cohorts in Croatia and the Dominican Republic by getting students enrolled, shipping course materials, coordinating faculty travel and contracts, and even helping with the first commencement in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic.”

In 2019, the School of Hospitality and Service Leadership became part of Saunders College, where she joined the student services team. As an adjunct faculty member, Zachmeyer also taught career development classes and most recently the school’s popular Beers of the World course.

What are you most proud of when looking back at your time at RIT?

I have seen many changes over the years. When I started, we were just beginning to use computers and there was no Internet as we know it today. We had to learn it all and keep up with each new advancement. I think one of the things I am most proud of is learning all this and keeping up with the changes as they came along. I am also proud of the relationships I have developed with students and colleagues over the years. I am very blessed, and I hope I have made an impact on a few lives during my time here at RIT.

What are some of your fondest memories?

There have been so many wonderful memories with each phase of my career. Downtown we had so much fun just being in a lively downtown environment. When I arrived in the hospitality department, the memories were with students, faculty, and colleagues–RITz dinners, hotel shows in New York City, and the Fancy Food Show in Chicago. I also have fond memories with the Executive Leader program—golfing events each year and fun picnics at Professor Warren Sackler’s home. And sometimes it was simply being in the office with colleagues and laughing. The hospitality department was a very special place with amazing students and faculty and it was like a second family.

I immediately felt a part of the team and right at home when I came to Saunders College. More laughter with colleagues, and all the student events we host each year have made these last few years special. If you can’t have fun at work, it’s really not worth it.  In the end, the memories are all about the people I have met along the way.

What are your post-RIT plans?

By the time I retire, I will hopefully have three grandsons—the third is due at the end of June. I plan on spending lots of time with them and time with friends, maybe teaching, and just enjoying life because tomorrow is never promised.

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