+1 MBA for Current RIT Students

Get Two Degrees.
Maximize your earning potential with a +1 MBA

Undergraduate students can earn a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in one year after completing an undergraduate degree. The accelerated +1 MBA program allows you to waive core MBA courses by taking specified undergraduate business courses: a "B" grade or better to receive the MBA course waivers.

An +1 MBA degree allows you to graduate sooner, saving on tuition while preparing you with the qualifications needed to pursue higher-level and higher-paying positions.

+1 MBA Pathways

There are two ways to enroll in the +1 MBA:

  • First-year students – Outstanding undergraduate applicants may be offered conditional early acceptance to the +1 MBA program from designated undergraduate degree programs, as incoming first-year students.
  • Current undergraduate students – RIT students currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program may apply for conditional admission to a combined accelerated bachelor’s/master’s pathway after their second or third year of study, depending upon their bachelor’s degree program.

Learn more about RIT accelerated degree programs here.


Scholarship Awards for RIT Students

Students from RIT who meet the full admissions requirements and begin a graduate program by Spring 2024 will receive a scholarship award under RIT’s Master Plan. Students enrolled in the early accept pathway will also be eligible for the 45% scholarship award through Spring 2024.

Scholarship Awards for RIT Honors Students

RIT Honors students applying to Saunders College of Business graduate programs can now qualify for a 50% scholarship. This applies to all applicants who successfully complete the requirements of the RIT Honors Program upon certification and are accepted into Saunders College. Please see the Saunders Honors page for more details.

+1 MBA Agreements

Undergraduate Course Planning for Waivers MBA Foundation Courses
  • ACCT 110 Financial Accounting and
  • ACCT 210 Management Accounting
  • ACCT-603 Accounting for Decision Makers
  • DECS 310 Operations Management
  • DECS-743 Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics and
  • ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ESCB-705 Economics and Decision Making
  • FINC 220 Financial Management and choose one:
  • FINC 352 Financial Management II
  • FINC 362 Intermediate Investments
  • FINC 420 Finance in a Global Environment
  • FINC 460 Financial Analysis and Modeling
  • FINC 470 Introduction to Options and Futures
  • FINC 580 Financial Analytics 
  • FINC-721 Financial Analysis for Managers
  • MGIS 130 Information Systems and Technology OR
  • MGIS 330 Systems Analysis and Design
  • and choose one:
  • MGIS 320 Database Management Systems
  • MGIS 350 Developing Business Applications
  • MGIS 355 Business Intelligence
  • MGIS 360 Building a Web Business
  • MGIS 425 Database Systems Development
  • MGIS 429 Cyber: Risk and Resilience
  • MGIS 445 Web Systems Development
  • MGIS 450 Enterprise Systems
  • MGIS-735 Design and Information Systems
  • MGMT 215 Organizational Behavior and choose one:
  • MGMT 310 Leading High-Performance Teams
  • MGMT 340 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • MGMT 380 Human Resource Management OR HRDE-386 Human Resources Development
  • MGMT 450 Negotiations and Decision-Making
  • MGMT-740 Leading Teams in Organizations
  • MKTG 230 Principles of Marketing and choose one:
  • MKTG 320 Digital Marketing
  • MKTG 330 Global Marketing
  • MKTG 350 Consumer Behavior
  • MKTG 360 Professional Selling
  • MKTG 365 Marketing Analytics
  • MKTG 370 Advertising and Promotion Management
  • MKTG 410 Search Engine Marketing and Analytics
  • MKTG 430 Social Media Marketing
  • MKTG-761 Marketing Concepts and Commercialization
Undergraduate Course Planning for Waivers MBA Foundation Courses
  • ACCT 110 Financial Accounting and
  • ACCT 210 Management Accounting
  • ACCT-603 Accounting for Decision Makers
  • DECS 310 Operations Management
  • DECS-743 Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ESCB-705 Economics and Decision Making
  • FINC 220 Financial Management and choose one:
  • FINC 352 Financial Management II
  • FINC 362 Intermediate Investments
  • FINC 420 Finance in a Global Environment
  • FINC 460 Financial Analysis and Modeling
  • FINC 470 Introduction to Options and Futures
  • FINC-721 Financial Analysis for Managers
  • MGIS 130 Information Systems and Technology OR
  • MGIS 330 Systems Analysis and Design
  • and choose one:
  • MGIS 320 Database Management Systems
  • MGIS 350 Developing Business Applications
  • MGIS 355 Business Intelligence
  • MGIS 360 Building a Web Business
  • MGIS 415 Object-Oriented Bus. Programming
  • MGIS 425 Database Systems Development
  • MGIS 445 Web Systems Development
  • MGIS 450 Enterprise Systems
  • MGIS-735 Design and Information Systems
  • MGMT 215 Organizational Behavior and choose one:
  • MGMT 310 Leading High-Performance Teams
  • MGMT 340 Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
  • MGMT 380 Human Resource Management
  • MGMT 450 Negotiations and Decision-Making
  • MGMT-740 Leading Teams in Organizations
  • MKTG 230 Principles of Marketing and choose one:
  • MKTG 320 Digital Marketing
  • MKTG 350 Buyer Behavior
  • MKTG 360 Professional Selling
  • MKTG 365 Marketing Analytics
  • MKTG 370 Advertising and Promotion Management
  • MKTG 410 Search Engine Marketing and Analytics
  • MKTG 430 Social Media Marketing
  • MKTG-761 Marketing Concepts and Commercialization
Undergraduate Course Planning for Waivers MBA Foundation Courses
  • ACCT 110 Financial Accounting and
  • ACCT 210 Management Accounting
  • ACCT-603 Accounting for Decision Makers
  • ISEE 301 Operation Research
  • ISEE 420 Production Planning and Scheduling
  • DECS-743 Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ESCB-705 Economics and Decision Making
  • ISEE 345 Engineering Economy and choose one:
  • FINC 352 Financial Management II
  • FINC 362 Intermediate Investments
  • FINC-721 Financial Analysis for Managers
  • MGIS 130 Information Systems and Technology OR
  • MGIS 330 Systems Analysis and Design
  • and choose one:
  • MGIS 320 Database Management Systems
  • MGIS 350 Developing Business Applications
  • MGIS 355 Business Intelligence
  • MGIS 360 Building a Web Business
  • MGIS 425 Database Systems Development
  • MGIS 445 Web Systems Development
  • MGIS 450 Enterprise Systems
  • MGIS-735 Design and Information Systems
  • ISEE 350 Engineering Management and choose one:
  • MGMT 310 Leading High-Performance Teams
  • MGMT 340 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • MGMT 380 Human Resource Management OR HRDE-386 Human Resources Development
  • MGMT 450 Negotiations and Decision-Making
  • MGMT-740 Leading Teams in Organizations
  • MKTG 230 Principles of Marketing and choose one:
  • MKTG 320 Digital Marketing
  • MKTG 330 Global Marketing
  • MKTG 350 Buyer Behavior
  • MKTG 360 Professional Selling
  • MKTG 365 Marketing Analytics
  • MKTG 370 Advertising and Promotion Management
  • MKTG 410 Search Engine Marketing and Analytics
  • MKTG 430 Social Media Marketing
  • PACK 481 Packaging for Marketing and End Use
  • MKTG-761 Marketing Concepts and Commercialization
Undergraduate Course Planning for Waivers MBA Foundation Courses
  • ACCT 110 Financial Accounting and
  • ACCT 210 Management Accounting
  • ACCT-603 Accounting for Decision Makers
  • DECS 310 Operations Management, OR 
    PACK 471 Packaging Supply Chain
  • DECS-743 Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ESCB-705 Economics and Decision Making
  • FINC 220 Managerial Finance and choose one:
  • FINC 352 Financial Management II
  • FINC 362 Intermediate Investments
  • FINC 420 Finance in a Global Environment
  • FINC 460 Financial Analysis and Modeling
  • FINC 470 Introduction to Options and Futures
  • FINC-721 Financial Analysis for Managers
  • MGIS 130 Information Systems and Technology OR
  • MGIS 330 Systems Analysis and Design
  • and choose one:
  • MGIS 320 Database Management Systems
  • MGIS 350 Developing Business Applications
  • MGIS 355 Business Intelligence
  • MGIS 360 Building a Web Business
  • MGIS 445 Web Systems Development
  • MGIS 450 Enterprise Systems
  • MGIS-735 Design and Information Systems
  • MGMT 215 Organizational Behavior and choose one:
  • MGMT 310 Leading High-Performance Teams
  • MGMT 340 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • MGMT 380 Human Resource Management OR HRDE-386 Human Resources Development
  • MGMT 450 Negotiations and Decision-Making
  • MGMT-740 Leading Teams in Organizations
  • MKTG 230 Principles of Marketing and choose one:
  • MKTG 320 Digital Marketing
  • MKTG 330 Global Marketing
  • MKTG 350 Buyer Behavior
  • MKTG 360 Professional Selling
  • MKTG 365 Marketing Analytics
  • MKTG 370 Advertising and Promotion Management
  • MKTG 410 Search Engine Marketing and Analytics
  • MKTG 430 Social Media Marketing
  • PACK 481 Packaging for Marketing and End Use
  • MKTG-761 Marketing Concepts and Commercialization
Undergraduate Course Planning for Waivers MBA Foundation Courses
  • ACCT 110 Financial Accounting and
  • ACCT 210 Management Accounting
  • ACCT-603 Accounting for Decision Makers
  • DECS 310 Operations Management
  • DECS-743 Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics and
  • ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ESCB-705 Economics and Decision Making
  • SWEN 440 Software System Requirements & Architecture and
  • SWEN 444 Human-Centered Requirements & Design
  • MGIS-735 Design and Information Systems
  • MGMT 215 Organizational Behavior and choose one:
  • SWEN 256 Software Process & Project Management
  • MGMT 310 Leading High-Performance Teams
  • MGMT 340 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • MGMT 380 Human Resource Management OR HRDE-386 Human Resources Development
  • MGMT 450 Negotiations and Decision-Making
  • MGMT-740 Leading Teams in Organizations
  • MKTG 230 Principles of Marketing and choose one:
  • MKTG 320 Digital Marketing
  • MKTG 330 Global Marketing
  • MKTG 350 Buyer Behavior
  • MKTG 360 Professional Selling
  • MKTG 365 Marketing Analytics
  • MKTG 370 Advertising and Promotion Management
  • MKTG 410 Search Engine Marketing & Analytics
  • MKTG 430 Social Media Marketing
  • MKTG-761 Marketing Concepts and Commercialization
Undergraduate Course Planning for Waivers MBA Foundation Courses
  • ACCT 110 Financial Accounting and
  • ACCT 210 Management Accounting
  • ACCT-603 Accounting for Decision Makers
  • ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics and
  • ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ESCB-705 Economics and Decision Making
  • DECS 310 Operations Management
  • DECS-743 Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • MGIS 130 Information Systems and Technology OR
  • MGIS 330 Systems Analysis and Design
  • and choose one:
  • MGIS 320 Database Management Systems
  • MGIS 350 Developing Business Applications
  • MGIS 355 Business Intelligence
  • MGIS 360 Building a Web Business
  • MGIS 425 Database Systems Development
  • MGIS 445 Web Systems Development
  • MGIS 450 Enterprise Systems
  • MGIS-735 Design and Information Systems
  • MGMT 215 Organizational Behavior and choose one:
  • MGMT 310 Leadership in Organizations
  • MGMT 340 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • MGMT 380 Human Resource Management OR HRDE-386 Human Resources Development
  • COMM 322 Campaign Management & Planning
  • COMM 421 Media Planning
  • MGMT-740 Leading Teams in Organizations
  • MKTG 230 Principles of Marketing and choose one:
  • MKTG 320 Digital Marketing
  • MKTG 330 Global Marketing
  • MKTG 360 Professional Selling
  • MKTG 365 Marketing Analytics
  • MKTG 370 Advertising and Promotion Management
  • MKTG 430 Social Media Marketing
  • COMM 223 Digital Design in Communication
  • COMM 304 Intercultural Communication
  • MKTG-761 Marketing Concepts and Commercialization
Undergraduate Course Planning for Waivers MBA Foundation Courses
  • ACCT 110 Financial Accounting and
  • ACCT 210 Management Accounting
  • ACCT-603 Accounting for Decision Makers
  • ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics and
  • ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ESCB-705 Economics and Decision Making
  • DECS 310 Operations Management
  • DECS-743 Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • MGIS 130 Information Systems and Technology OR
  • MGIS 330 Systems Analysis and Design
  • and choose one:
  • MGIS 320 Database Management Systems
  • MGIS 350 Developing Business Applications
  • MGIS 355 Business Intelligence
  • MGIS 360 Building a Web Business
  • MGIS 425 Database Systems Development
  • MGIS 445 Web Systems Development
  • MGIS 450 Enterprise Systems
  • MGIS-735 Design and Information Systems
  • MGMT 215 Organizational Behavior and choose one:
  • MGMT 310 Leadership in Organizations
  • MGMT 380 Human Resource Management OR HRDE-386 Human Resources Development
  • COMM 322 Campaign Management & Planning
  • COMM 342 Communication Law and Ethics
  • COMM 345 Ethics in Technical Communication
  • MGMT-740 Leading Teams in Organizations
  • MKTG 230 Principles of Marketing and choose one:
  • COMM 223 Digital Design in Communication
  • COMM 304 Intercultural Communication
  • COMM 341 Visual Communication
  • COMM 343 Technology-Mediated Communication
  • COMM 356 Critical Practice in Social Media
  • COMM 440 Visual Communication of Technical Information
  • MKTG 365 Marketing Analytics
  • MKTG 430 Social Media Marketing
  • MKTG-761 Marketing Concepts and Commercialization
Undergraduate Course Planning for Waivers MBA Foundation Courses
  • ACCT 110 Financial Accounting +
  • ACCT 210 Management Accounting
  • ACCT 603 Accounting for Decision Makers
  • ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics +
  • ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • OR any upper level economics course
  • ESCB 705 Economics and Decision Making
  • DECS 310 Operations Management 
  • DECS 743 Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • ECON 433 Financial Economics and choose one:
  • ECON 405 International Trade and Finance
  • ECON 431 Monetary Analysis and Policy
  • FINC 352 Financial Management II
  • FINC 362 Intermediate Investments
  • FINC 420 Finance in a Global Environment
  • FINC 460 Financial Analysis and Modeling
  • FINC 470 Introduction to Options and Futures
  • FINC 721 Financial Analysis for Managers
  • MGIS 130 Information Systems and Technology OR
  • MGIS 330 Systems Analysis and Design
  • and choose one:
  • MGIS 320 Database Management Systems
  • MGIS 350 Developing Business Applications
  • MGIS 355 Business Intelligence
  • MGIS 360 Building a Web Business
  • MGIS 425 Database Systems Development
  • MGIS 445 Web Systems Development
  • MGIS 450 Enterprise Systems
  • MGIS 735 Design and Information Systems
  • ECON 430 Managerial Economics and choose one:
  • ECON 407 Industrial Organization
  • MGMT 310 Leading High-Performance Teams
  • MGMT 380 Human Resource Management
  • MGMT 340 Business Ethics and Corporate Resp.
  • MGMT 450 Negotiations and Decision-Making
  • MGMT 740 Leading Teams in Organizations
  • MKTG 230 Principles of Marketing and choose one:
  • MKTG 320 Digital Marketing
  • MKTG 330 Global Marketing
  • MKTG 350 Consumer Behavior
  • MKTG 360 Professional Selling
  • MKTG 365 Marketing Analytics
  • MKTG 370 Advertising and Promotion Mgmt.
  • MKTG 410 Search Engine Marketing & Analytics
  • MKTG 430 Social Media Marketing
  • MKTG 761 Marketing Concepts and Commercialization 
Undergraduate Course Planning for Waivers MBA Foundation Courses
  • ACCT 110 Financial Accounting and
  • ACCT 210 Management Accounting
  • ACCT-603 Accounting for Decision Makers
  • ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics and
  • ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ESCB-705 Economics and Decision Making
  • DECS 310 Operations Management
  • DECS-743 Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • MGIS 130 Information Systems and Technology OR
  • MGIS 330 Systems Analysis and Design
  • and choose one:
  • MGIS 320 Database Management Systems
  • MGIS 350 Developing Business Applications
  • MGIS 355 Business Intelligence
  • MGIS 360 Building a Web Business
  • MGIS 425 Database Systems Development
  • MGIS 450 Enterprise Systems
  • MGIS-735 Design and Information Systems
  • MGMT 215 Organizational Behavior and choose one:
  • MGMT 310 Leadership in Organizations
  • MGMT 380 Human Resource Management OR HRDE-386 Human Resources Development
  • MGMT 360 Digital Entrepreneurship
  • COMM 342 Communication Law and Ethics
  • MGMT-740 Leading Teams in Organizations
  • MKTG 230 Principles of Marketing and choose one:
  • MKTG 320 Digital Marketing
  • MKTG 330 Global Marketing
  • MKTG 350 Buyer Behavior
  • MKTG 360 Professional Selling
  • MKTG 365 Marketing Analytics
  • MKTG 370 Advertising and Promotion Management
  • MKTG 430 Social Media Marketing
  • MAAT 271 Webpage Production I
  • MAAT 272 Webpage Production II
  • MKTG-761 Marketing Concepts and Commercialization
Undergraduate Course Planning for Waivers MBA Foundation Courses
  • ACCT 110 Financial Accounting +
  • ACCT 210 Management Accounting
  • ACCT 603 Accounting for Decision Makers
  • ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics +
  • ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ESCB 705 Economics and Decision Making
  • DECS 310 Operations Management 
  • DECS 743 Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • FINC 220 Financial Management and choose one:
  • FINC 352 Financial Management II
  • FINC 362 Intermediate Investments
  • FINC 420 Finance in a Global Environment
  • FINC 460 Financial Analysis and Modeling
  • FINC 470 Introduction to Options and Futures
  • FINC 721 Financial Analysis for Managers
  • MGIS 130 Information Systems and Technology OR
  • MGIS 330 Systems Analysis and Design
  • and choose one:
  • MGIS 320 Database Management Systems
  • MGIS 350 Developing Business Applications
  • MGIS 355 Business Intelligence
  • MGIS 360 Building a Web Business
  • MGIS 425 Database Systems Development
  • MGIS 445 Web Systems Development
  • MGIS 450 Enterprise Systems
  • MGIS 735 Design and Information Systems
  • MGMT 215 Organizational Behavior and choose one:
  • MGMT 310 Leading High-Performance Teams
  • MGMT 380 Human Resource Management
  • MGMT 340 Business Ethics and Corporate Resp.
  • MGMT 450 Negotiations and Decision-Making
  • MGMT 740 Leading Teams in Organizations
  • MKTG 230 Principles of Marketing and choose one:
  • MKTG 320 Digital Marketing
  • MKTG 330 Global Marketing
  • MKTG 350 Consumer Behavior
  • MKTG 360 Professional Selling
  • MKTG 365 Marketing Analytics
  • MKTG 370 Advertising and Promotion Mgmt.
  • MKTG 410 Search Engine Marketing & Analytics
  • MKTG 430 Social Media Marketing
  • MKTG 761 Marketing Concepts and Commercialization 
Undergraduate Course Planning for Waivers MBA Foundation Courses
  • ACCT 110 Financial Accounting +
  • ACCT 210 Management Accounting
  • ACCT 603 Accounting for Decision Makers
  • ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics +
  • ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ESCB 705 Economics and Decision Making
  • DECS 310 Operations Management 
  • DECS 743 Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • FINC 220 Financial Management and choose one:
  • FINC 352 Financial Management II
  • FINC 362 Intermediate Investments
  • FINC 420 Finance in a Global Environment
  • FINC 460 Financial Analysis and Modeling
  • FINC 470 Introduction to Options and Futures
  • FINC 721 Financial Analysis for Managers
  • MGIS 130 Information Systems and Technology OR
  • MGIS 330 Systems Analysis and Design
  • and choose one:
  • MGIS 320 Database Management Systems
  • MGIS 350 Developing Business Applications
  • MGIS 355 Business Intelligence
  • MGIS 360 Building a Web Business
  • MGIS 425 Database Systems Development
  • MGIS 445 Web Systems Development
  • MGIS 450 Enterprise Systems
  • MGIS 735 Design and Information Systems
  • MGMT 215 Organizational Behavior and choose one:
  • MGMT 310 Leading High-Performance Teams
  • MGMT 380 Human Resource Management
  • MGMT 340 Business Ethics and Corporate Resp.
  • MGMT 450 Negotiations and Decision-Making
  • MGMT 740 Leading Teams in Organizations
  • MKTG 230 Principles of Marketing and choose one:
  • MKTG 320 Digital Marketing
  • MKTG 350 Consumer Behavior
  • MKTG 360 Professional Selling
  • MKTG 365 Marketing Analytics
  • MKTG 370 Advertising and Promotion Mgmt.
  • MKTG 410 Search Engine Marketing & Analytics
  • MKTG 430 Social Media Marketing
  • MKTG 761 Marketing Concepts and Commercialization