
  • June 7, 2024

    Article Published in Micromachines

    Nayeem’s paper, titled "Empirical and Computational Evaluation of Hemolysis in a Microfluidic Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator (ECMO) Prototype," is now available online  in the MDPI journal “Micromachines”. This paper delves into the hemolytic potential of microfluidic blood-contacting medical devices using a combination of empirical and computational methods. This work opens up exciting possibilities for the development of safer and more efficient blood contacting microfluidic devices. DOI: 10.3390/mi15060790

  • May 1, 2024

    Actuators Article Published

    Jonathan’s first first-author manuscript sailed through the review process and was recently published in MDPI Actuators and presented at the 70th annual ASAIO meeting in Baltimore.  Reviewers thought it was esoteric, but solid.  Congratulations!  Additionally, MPDI Actuators highlighted the article on the front page of the journal's website ( because it has been "downloaded many times". “Practical Comparison of Two- and Three-Phase Bearingless Permanent Magnet Slice Motors for Blood Pumps” DOI: 10.3390/act13050179.

  • August 17, 2023

    ASAIO Article Accepted

    Next Generation Development of Hybrid Continuous Flow Pediatric TAH Technology: Design-Build-Test” was accepted for publication with the ASAIO Journal.  This is the result of continued collaboration with Drexel on the DragonHeart pump and the first pump related publication for the lab’s Jonathan, Andrew, and Arthur, and William. 

  • April 16, 2023

    Proceedings B Article Published

    “A power amplification dyad in seahorses”, with C. Avidan and R. Holzman appears in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.   This is one of my recent favorites - several really complicated methods that come together to show something very interesting.  10.1098/RSPB.2023.0520

  • December 2, 2022

    Artificial Organs Article Published

    “Channel impeller design for centrifugal blood pump in hybrid pediatric total artificial heart: Modeling, magnet integration, and hydraulic experiments”, one of the products of Matthew Hirschhorn’s dissertation work, appeared in Artificial Organs.  Matt is now at the FDA.  DOI: 10.1111/aor.14480

  • September 28, 2022

    Respiration monitoring via back of thigh

    Oral Presentations at IEEE-BHI and BMES Annual Meetings

    Krittika’s recent work has been published in IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics Proceedings. “Unobtrusive In-home Respiration Monitoring using a Toilet Seat” introduces a novel approach to monitor respiration by measuring changes in impedance from the back of the thigh. She also presented this work at the BMES Annual meeting 2022 in San Antonio. DOI:10.1109/BHI56158.2022.9926931.

  • June 28, 2022

    Biofabrication Chart

    Biofabrication Article Published

    Adeel Ahmed’s manuscript in Biofabrication, the last in his dissertation work with Vinay Abhyankar, was just published in Biofabrication.  This has some great device fabrication, fluid mechanics, and cell culture.  Well done, Adeel! It was fun working with you on this.  DOI: 10.1088/1758-5090/ac7824

  • June 16, 2022

    American Society For Artificial Internal Organs Logo

    ASAIO Meeting

    Nayeem Imtiaz and William Stoddard presented project updates at the 67th ASAIO conference in Chicago.  William presented “Advancements of DragonHeart BiVentricular Assist Device”, an update on our first tandem operation of the Dragonheart concept, on behalf of the RIT / Drexel / Jefferson team and Nayeem presented “Development of a Miniaturized Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Device on a Microfluidic Platform”, an update on the research to develop a Microfluidic Oxygenation device, which will have the potential to supplement long term oxygenation, on behalf of the RIT / SiMPore team.