Dr. Caroline DeLong

Dr. Caroline DeLong
I am a cognitive psychologist with expertise in comparative cognition and perception. I began conducting animal research as an undergraduate at New College of Florida (1993-1997), where I worked with Dr. Heidi Harley and Dr. Gordon Bauer. I received my M.A. in 2000 and Ph.D. in 2003 in Psychology (with a specialization in Human and Animal Cognition) at the University of Hawaii. I conducted research on dolphin echolocation and acoustics with Dr. Whitlow Au at the Marine Mammal Research Program in the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology. I was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology at New College in Sarasota, Florida (2003-2004). I spent four years as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Brown University where I conducted research on bat biosonar with Dr. James Simmons (2004-2008). I began as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology in the College of Liberal Arts at RIT in September 2008 and I am now a full Professor. I teach a variety of courses including Cognitive Psychology; Decision Making, Judgment, and Problem Solving; Perception; Graduate Cognition; Senior Capstone Proposal; Senior Project; Advanced Research in Psychology; Thesis Proposal and Thesis (MS students). I am currently the Undergraduate Program Director for the Psychology B.S. Program at RIT.
Department of Psychology