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What We Do
The Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing (DIRS) Laboratory serves as a focal point for remote sensing research and education at RIT.
The DIRS Laboratory focuses on the development of tools to extract information about the Earth from aerial and satellite imaging systems with an emphasis on the application of science and engineering to solving end-to-end remote sensing problems using a systems engineering approach. This includes design and development of imaging instruments, developing algorithms to extract information from remotely sensed systems and measurement, and modeling of the physical phenomena associated with the formation of remotely sensed images.
The DIRS Laboratory, formed more than 30 years ago, is housed within the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, an academic unit within RIT’s College of Science, and has about 40 graduate students conducting research who are supported by nine faculty and 22 full-time research and administrative staff.
DIRS also has on-going research partnerships with multiple federal agencies, large and small companies, and other academic institutions.