Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) student Tiffany Priddy received her BS degree in Organizational Management from Roberts Wesleyan College in August. In a thank you note to VUB she wrote “I really didn’t think I would ever complete my degree until I met you all.” She added, “You all do great work, and I hope you know you are all making a difference!” The Veterans Upward Bound program provides a variety of services to help military service members who want to go back to school.
LSAMP participant Patrick Edwards, (economics) was accepted to the following programs, IGEN (Introduction to Graduate Education at Northwestern), Discover UChicago, and Princeton Perspective PhD students programs. These programs allow high-performing undergraduate students to explore graduate programs at their institutions. LSAMP & McNair students, Maria Morcos (physician assistant) and Niaya Jackson (biochemistry) will present their research at the virtual 2020 Black Doctoral Networking Conference October 29-31st.