
Refereed Journals

  1. Houchaimi S, An HT, Greyson M, Anzelone P, Schertzer MJ (2025), Digital Microfluidics Automation of Oligonucleotide Assemblies, Journal of Micro and Nano Science and Engineering In Press
  2. O'Brien JE, Maki KL, Li X, Schertzer MJ (2025), Quantifying evaporative-driven flow inside drying droplets with pinned contact lines, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 150(1)
  3. Houchaimi S, Schertzer MJ (2024), Digital Microfluidic DNA Ligation on Low-Cost Ink-Jet Printed Devices, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology 11(11)
  4. Li X, Maki KL, Schertzer MJ (2023), Characterization of Particle Transport and Deposition Due to Heterogeneous Dewetting on Low-Cost Inkjet-Printed Devices, Langmuir 39(47)
  5. Bernetski KA, An, HT, Maki KL, Schertzer MJ (2022), Predicting actuated contact line pinning forces and the elimination of hysteresis under AC electrowetting, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 26(12)
  6. Greyson M, Maki KL, Schertzer MJ (2020), Coplanar electrowetting-induced droplet detachment from radially symmetric electrodes, Langmuir 36(28).
  7. Salguero J, Del Sol I, Vazquez-Martinez JM , Schertzer MJ, Iglesias P (2019), Effect of laser parameters on the tribological behavior of Ti6Al4V titanium microtextures under lubricated conditions, Wear 426.
  8. Bernetski, KA, Maki KL, Schertzer MJ (2019); Comment on “How to make sticky surfaces slippery: Contact angle hysteresis in electrowetting with alternating voltage”[Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 244108 (2008)], Applied Physics Letters 114(11).
  9. Kudtarkar K, Iglesias P, Smith TW, Schertzer MJ (2019); Effect of Metallization on the Electromechanical Properties of Microfluidically Synthesized Hydrogel Beads, Journal of Fluids Engineering 141(3).
  10. Kudtarkar K, Johnson M, Iglesias P, Smith TW, Schertzer MJ (2018); Effects of Chemical Composition on the Electromechanical Properties of Microfluidically Synthesized Hydrogel Beads, Journal of Fluids Engineering 140(10).
  11. Bernetski KA, Greyson M, Maki KL, Schertzer MJ (2018). Characterization of electrowetting, contact angle hysteresis, and adhesion on digital microfluidic devices with inkjet-printed electrodes, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 22.
  12. Schertzer, M.J., Iglesias P (2018). Meta-analysis comparing wettability parameters and the effect of wettability on friction coefficient in lubrication, Lubricants, 6(3).
  13. Matczak L, Johanning C, Gil E, Guo H, Smith TW, Schertzer MJ, Iglesias P (2018); Effect of cation nature on the lubricating and physicochemical properties of three ionic liquids; Tribology International, 124,
  14. Greyson M, Maki K, Schertzer MJ (2017); Effects of interface velocity, diffusion rate, and radial velocity on colloidal deposition patterns left by evaporating droplets; J. Heat Transfer., Online First. doi:10.1115/1.4036681.
  15. Schertzer MJ (2016); Analytical model of droplet based electrostatic energy harvester performance; Microsyst. Technol., Online First. doi:10.1007/s00542-016-3012-2.
  16. Scott-Murrell, E., Lanza, D., Schertzer, M.J. (2016); Dimensionless model for impedimetric sensing of particle laden droplets in digital microfluidic devices; Microsyst. Technol., Online First. doi:10.1007/s00542-016-3011-3.
  17. Schertzer, M.J., Ahamed, M.J., Lea, P., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2012); Characterizing the surface quality and droplet interface shape for microarray plates; Langmuir, 28(26): pp. 9961-9966.
  18. Schertzer, M.J., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2012); Automated detection of particle concentration and chemical reactions in electrowetting on dielectric devices; Sens. Actuators, B, 164(1): pp. 1-6.
  19. Schertzer, M.J., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2011); Mechanical filtration of particles in electrowetting on dielectric devices; J. Microelectromech. Syst., 20(4): pp. 1010-1015.
  20. Schertzer, M.J., Gubarenko, S.I., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2010); An empirically validated analytical model of droplet dynamics in EWOD devices; Langmuir, 26(24): pp. 19230-19238.
  21. Schertzer, M.J., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2010); Using capacitance measurements in EWOD devices to identify fluid composition and control droplet mixing; Sens. Actuators, B., 145(1): pp. 340-347.
  22. Schertzer, M.J., Gubarenko, S.I., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2010); An empirically validated model of the pressure within a droplet confined between plates at equilibrium for low bond numbers; Exp. Fluids, 48(5): pp. 851-862.
  23. Schertzer, M.J., Ewing, D., Chang, J.S., Ching, C.Y. (2009); The effect of pore size on the heat transfer between a heated finned surface and a saturated porous plate; J. Heat Transfer, 131(1): 011501-1-7.
  24. Schertzer M.J., Ewing D., Ching C.Y. (2006); The effect of gap distance on the heat transfer between a heated finned surface and a saturated porous plate; Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 49(21-22): pp. 4200-4208.

Conferences and Workshops

Conference Proceedings

  1. Greyson M, Maki, K.L., Schertzer, M.J. (2016); Impact of Particle Selection on Nanoparticle Self-Assembly in Evaporating Colloidal Droplets; IMECE 2016, Phoenix, AZ.
  2. Greyson M, Maki, K.L., Schertzer, M.J. (2016); Observation of Contact Line Dynamics in Evaporating Droplets Under the Influence of Electric Fields; ICNMM 2016, Washington, DC.
  3. Dunning, P.D., Greyson M, Schertzer, M.J. (2015); Transient Interface Shape and Deposition Profile Left by Desiccation of Colloidal Droplets on Multiple Surfaces; IMECE 2015, Houston, TX.
  4. Greyson M, Dunning, P.D., Schertzer, M.J. (2015); Electrowetting on Dielectric (EWOD) Assisted Droplet Desiccation; ICNMM 2015, San Franscisco, CA.
  5. Scott-Murrell, E., Lanza, D., Schertzer, M.J. (2015); Impedimetric Feedback in Particle Laden Digital Microfluidic Devices; ICNMM 2015, San Franscisco, CA.
  6. Schertzer, M.J., Lea, P., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2015); Effect of surface modification on protein deposition in desiccated droplets; IMECE 2014, Montreal, QC.
  7. Dunning, P., Sullivan, P.E., Schertzer, M.J., (2014); Method for characterization of passive mechanical filtration of particles in digital microfluidic devices; IMECE 2014, Montreal, QC.
  8. Blume, S., Schertzer, M.J., Badawi, A., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2014); Analytical models to determine the electric field characteristics of a multi-electrode impedimetric immunosensor in a digital microfluidic device; IMECE 2014, Montreal, QC.
  9. Schertzer, M.J., Robinson, R., Landschoot, T., Ghosh, A., Liberson, A., Hensel, E. (2014); Effect of office hour participation on student performance; IMECE 2014, Montreal, QC.
  10. Robinson, R., Culver, D., Schertzer, M.J., Landschoot, T., Hensel, E. (2014); Understanding the causes for low student office hour attendance; IMECE 2014, Montreal, QC.
  11. Schertzer, M.J., Iglesias-Victoria, P., Leipold, K.N., Wellin, J.D. (2014); Enhancement of the engineering measurements laboratory for semester conversion; ASEE National Conference 2014, Indianapolis, IN.
  12. Schertzer, M.J., Blume, S., Badawi, A., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2014); Characterization of Bead Based Chemical Reactions and Supernatant Dilution in Digital Microfluidic Devices; 2nd Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2014, Doha, Qatar.
  13. Schertzer, M.J., Yang, Z., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2013); Method for Individual Control of Multiplexed Droplet Generation in Digital Microfluidic Devices; IMECE 2013, San Diego, CA.
  14. Schertzer, M.J., Gubarenko, S.I., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2012); Methods for mechanical filtration and automated droplet monitoring in EWOD devices; IMECE 2012, Houston, TX.
  15. Schertzer, M.J., Gubarenko, S.I., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2012); Developing Discrete Flow Microfluidic Devices with Particle Based Chemical Reactions and Autonomous Real-Time Feedback; World Congress on Biosensors, Cancun, Mexico.
  16. Kahn, I., Chong, J., Ben-Mrad, R., He, S., Schertzer, M.J. (2012); Performance of an Electrostatic Actuated Micromirror in a vacuum and non-vacuum Packaging; IEEE Ind. Electronics 2012, Montreal, QC.
  17. Schertzer, M.J., Gubarenko, S.I., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2010); Predicting transient droplet dynamics in EWOD devices; CSME Forum 2010, Victoria, BC.
  18. Schertzer, M.J., Khammar, M., Ewing, D., Ching, C.Y., Chang, J.S. (2005); Effect of gap distance on confined boiling heat transfer over a saturated porous structure; 2005 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Invited Speaker Presentations

  1. Schertzer, M.J. (2016); Can applied electric fields control colloidal deposition on polymer surfaces?; Annual Microengineering Conference 2016, Rochester, NY.
  2. Schertzer, M.J. (2015); Impact of Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip on Bio: Challenges and Opportunities; ICNMM 2015, San Franscisco, CA.
  3. Schertzer, M.J., Gubarenko, S.I., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2011); Developing a Microfluidic Platform for Medical Diagnostic Applications Using Electrowetting on Dielectric (EWOD) Devices; Mitacs Elevate Research Showcase, Toronto, ON.

Other Presentations

  1. Kudtarkar, K., Smith, T., Iglesias-Victoria, P., Schertzer, M.J. (2016, Technical); Microfluidic synthesis of polymer microgel beads for electrostatic energy harvesting; ICNMM 2016, Washington, DC.
  2. Dunning, P. Schertzer, M.J., (2014, Poster); Electrowetting on Dielectric Suppression of Coffee Ring Stains; IMECE 2014, Montreal, QC.
  3. Schertzer, M.J., Gubarenko, S.I., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2012, Poster); Developing Methods for Particle Filtration and Autonomous Real-Time Detection of Chemical Composition in Digital Microfluidic Devices; Ontario on a Chip, Toronto, ON.

Technical Reports for Industry

  1. Schertzer, M.J., Blumme, S., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2013); Detecting biomarkers of obesity using advanced digital microfluidic capacitance sensing. Sponsored by Public Health Agency of Canada. pp. 1-21.
  2. Schertzer, M.J., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2012); The effect of surface modification on droplet interface shape for polymer microarrays. Sponsored by SQI Diagnostics. pp. 1-10.
  3. Schertzer, M.J., Ahamed, M.J., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2011); Characterizing the surface quality and droplet interface shape for microarray plates. Sponsored by SQI Diagnostics. pp. 1-26.
  4. Schertzer, M.J., Ben-Mrad, R. (2009); Numerical Simulation of Flow in a Partially Blocked, Louvered Channel; Sponsored by Kinectrics, Inc. pp. 1-10.
  5. Schertzer, M.J., Ben-Mrad, R. (2006); Effect of Net Orientation on Flow Past Inlet Groins; Sponsored by Kinectrics, Inc. pp. 1-25. (Addendum pp 1-4)

United States Patent Applications

  1. Schertzer, M.J., Ben-Mrad, R., Sullivan, P.E. (2011); Method and apparatus for the mechanical filtration of particles in discrete flow microfluidic devices; Application 13305507. (In Process)

Graduate Student Theses

  1. Kudtarkar, K. (MS 2016); Harvesting a Sustainable Energy Future: Examining the Effect of Chemical Composition on the Electromechanical Properties of Polymer Gel Beads.
  2. Greyson M. (MS 2016); Characterizing the Transient Profile Shapes and Deposition Patterns of Desiccating Colloidal Droplets.
  3. Dunning, P.D. (MS 2015); Controlling the Transient Interface Shape and Deposition Profile Left by Desiccation of Colloidal Droplets on Multiple Polymer Surfaces.