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Christopher Hoople

Senior Lecturer

Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering

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Christopher Hoople

Senior Lecturer

Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering


BS, Union College; Ph.D., Cornell University


Dr. Christopher R. Hoople earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Union College in Schenectady, NY and his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Cornell. He worked for Eastman Kodak Company in Rochester until 2001 and joined the faculty at RIT in the fall of 2001.

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Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course covers the first principles and fundamentals of clean and renewable energy systems and sources. Various quantum-mechanical and electromagnetic devices and systems will be analyzed, designed and examined using software and CAD tools. Topics include: geothermal, hydro, nuclear, solar, wind, and other energy sources. Societal, ethical, economical, and environmental aspects of nanotechnology-enabled clean energy and power are also discussed.
0 Credits
This course is to be taken concurrently with Circuits I. The focus of the course is to practice problem solving for topics covered in Circuits I. Topics may include use of the calculator for solving multiple equations with multiple unknowns, and use of MATLAB for analyzing problems. Worksheets with problems for the students to solve are posted and the instructor then helps individuals as needed before going over the solution. Students are encouraged to work together in small groups. Students also are encouraged to bring up any questions they have on homework problems and on lab work.
3 Credits
This course covers the fundamentals of AC circuit analysis starting with the study of sinusoidal steady-state solutions for circuits in the time domain. The complex plane is introduced along with the concepts of complex exponential functions, phasors, impedances and admittances. Nodal, loop and mesh methods of analysis as well as Thevenin and related theorems are applied to the complex plane. The concept of complex power is developed. The analysis of mutual induction as applied to coupled-coils. Linear, ideal and non-ideal transformers are introduced. Complex frequency analysis is introduced to enable discussion of transfer functions, frequency dependent behavior, Bode plots, resonance phenomenon and simple filter circuits. Two-port network theory is developed and applied to circuits and interconnections.
3 Credits
This course covers: 1) the first principles and fundamentals of energy conversion: 2) The fundamentals of electromechanical, related electromagnetic topics, electric variables and electromagnetic forces. The basic concepts of energy conversion systems, DC electric machines, induction & synchronous electric machines (motors & generators) used in power systems, automotive, industrial, robotics and other applications are presented. The theory of energy conversion and electromechanical motion devices are covered.
0 Credits
One semester of paid work experience in electrical engineering.
3 Credits
The course involves the study of the circuits and devices used in the control and conversion of power. Devices include diodes, BJTs, power MOSFETS, IGBTs and thyristors. Power conversion includes rectifiers (ac-dc) , dc-dc, ac-ac and inverters (dc-ac). DC circuit topologies include Buck Converter, Boost Converter, Buck-Boost Converter, and the Cuk converter.
3 Credits
The course involves the study of the circuits and devices used in the control and conversion of power. Devices include diodes, BJTs, power MOSFETS, IGBTs and thyristors. Power conversion includes rectifiers (ac-dc), dc-dc, ac-ac and inverters (dc-ac). DC circuit topologies include Buck Converter, Boost Converter, Buck-Boost Converter, and the Cuk converter.