Engineering Alumni

Kate Gleason College of Engineering's more than 20,000 alumni are transforming the world. Stay connected to each other, current students and faculty, and the university to create a great RIT for future Tigers. 

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A tiger mascot high fives students, faculty, and students.


Alumnus assists faculty member with turning on an electrical box.

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A student and an employer working together in an engineering facility.

Career Services and Co-op

Three students working together on a hands-on project using wires and batteries.

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Alumni talking to each other with drinks in their hands.


A close up of a person typing on a laptop.

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Engineering Alumni Stories

Distinguished Alumni

2024: Scott Reardon BS '96

Scott Reardon is CEO of D3 Engineering, a company that partners with major semiconductor companies to provide product development and manufacturing for performance-critical embedded systems across industrial, medical, and automotive applications.

Meet Scott

2023: Michael Oshetski ’03

As a founder of Micatu Inc, Michael has trailblazed the way to build the first company to commercialize next-generation optical sensing. 

Meet Michael

2022: Robert Spina '89

Dr. Bob Spina has over 30 years of experience in high technology start-ups, building teams and technologies. His focus has been on bringing disruptive technologies into established industries.

Meet Bob

2021: Michelle S. Spina ’91

Dr. Michelle Spina has over 20 years of technological leadership and strong interpersonal skills with deep management experience in both commercial and Department of Defense markets. 

Meet Michelle

Alumni Awards

Department Academy Award Inductees

This award recognizes individuals who personify the mission of the Kate Gleason College of Engineering as real-world problem solvers.


  • Brandon Comella BS/MS ’97

  • Rashmi Shah BS '07

  • Mike Szalkowski BS/MS ’08

  • Brian Thorn BS ’80


  • Thomas W. Brown III BS '02, MS '02, Ph.D. 12

  • John MacDonald BS '90

  • Dmitriy Bekker BS '07, MS '07


  • Alan Franz ‘91

  • Matthew Hicks ‘08

  • Herbert Klumpe ‘88

  • Matthew Kulp ‘95

  • Bhushan Mehendale ‘06

Emerging Leader Award Inductees

This award recognizes recent alumni who have graduated within the past 10 years and have distinguished themselves by living out the Kate Gleason College of Engineering mission.


  • Germain Fenger BS ’05, MS ’10, Ph.D. '14

  • Kate Gunderson BS ’16

  • Justin Kon BS '20

  • Maria Romero-Creel BS '17

  • Alissa Santucci MS '19

  • Shannon Swift BS '13


  • Sean Bellefeuille BS '20

  • Matt Hartensveld BS '18, BS '18, Ph.D. '21

  • Samantha Kenyon BS '15, MS '15

  • Jacob Manley BS '14

  • Stephanie White ME '16


  • August Allen ‘16

  • Dimple Joseph ‘18

  • Kursten O’Neill ‘11

  • Andrea Mazzocchi ‘16

  • Bryan Reinheimer ‘11

  • Rui Zhou ‘12

Outstanding Ph.D. Alumni Award

Brian Landi BS '01, MS '02, Ph.D. '06


Anand Gopalan MS '02, Ph.D. '05

Nominate an Alum

Departmental Academy Award

This award recognizes individuals who personify the mission of the Kate Gleason College of Engineering as real-world problem solvers.

Nominate an Alum

Emerging Leader Award

This award recognizes recent alumni who have graduated within the past 10 years and have distinguished themselves by living out the Kate Gleason College of Engineering mission.

Nominate an Alum


People conversing in small groups in a room with two couches and a bar

Alumni Events

Connect with the RIT community at events around the globe. We hope to see you at a Tiger gathering soon!

Contact Us

Lauri Bonnell
Director of Advancement
Dan Case
Director of Advancement