Sarilyn Ivancic Headshot

Sarilyn Ivancic

Senior Lecturer

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Graduate Program Director, Mechanical Engineering

Office Location

Sarilyn Ivancic

Senior Lecturer

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Graduate Program Director, Mechanical Engineering


BS, MS, Ph.D., University of Rochester


Dr. Sarilyn Ivancic received her B.S, M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Rochester. Dr. Ivancic’s research focused on the material and structural response of monuments subjected to both static and dynamic loading conditions. Of particular interest was the nonlinear behavior of quasi-brittle material due to the development and propagation of fractures within the structures. 


Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This basic course treats the equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies under the action of forces. It integrates the mathematical subjects of calculus, vector algebra and simultaneous algebraic equations with the physical concepts of equilibrium in two and three dimensions. Topics include concepts of force and moment, friction, centroids and moments of inertia, and equilibrium of trusses, frames and machines.
3 Credits
A basic course in the fundamental principles of the mechanics of deformable media, including stress, strain, deflections and the relationships among them. The basic loadings of tension, compression, shear, torsion and bending are also included.
3 Credits
This course provides a continuation of concepts pertaining to the mechanics of deformable media and their relation to the failure of materials. Failure topics pertaining to yielding, buckling, fracture, and fatigue for structures under static and dynamic loading conditions are discussed. A function-constraints-objective approach to the mechanical design process is introduced.
3 Credits
This course number is used by students in the master of engineering degree program for earning internship credits. Students must submit a proposal for the internship, to be approved by an employing supervisor and the department prior to enrolling. Students are required to submit an evaluation report at the conclusion of the internship.
0 - 6 Credits
Thesis In conference with an adviser, a topic is chosen. Periodic progress reports and a final written document with an oral examination are required.
3 Credits
This course is used by students in the master of engineering degree program for conducting an independent project. The student must demonstrate an acquired competence in an appropriate topic within mechanical engineering. The topic is chosen in conference with a faculty adviser. The work may involve an independent research and/or a design project and/or literature search with a demonstration of acquired skill. A written paper, approved by the advisor and the department, and an oral presentation of the work are required.
1 - 3 Credits
This course is used by students who plan to study a topic on an independent study basis. The student must obtain the permission of the appropriate faculty member before registering for the course.