Tom Gaborski
September 13, 2024
Gaborski named department head for RIT Biomedical Engineering Department
For the fall 2024 academic year, Gaborski has been appointed department head and will oversee a program that has expanded since it began to include more than 300 students in undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs.
August 27, 2024
RIT offers new master’s degrees in chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, and project management
The new engineering master’s degrees will serve to meet demands in increasing renewable energies, personalized healthcare technologies, and diagnostic system improvements. The project management MS allows students the ability to better specialize to their specific interests, giving them a competitive edge in their field of interest and making them more valuable to an employer.
September 1, 2023
RIT researchers pioneer solutions for degenerative disc disease and back pain
Researchers are improving non-invasive treatment options for degenerative disc disease, an ailment that impacts 3 million adults yearly in the U.S. Using state-of-the-art gene editing technology in mesenchymal stem cells, the researchers will add to the growing field of regenerative medicine, the process of producing cellular therapies to alleviate pain and lack of mobility.
May 11, 2022
Powering the future
Supply chain disruptions and a strong demand for consumer electronics during the pandemic led to a global chip shortage. The shortage has highlighted the need to strengthen the domestic semiconductor industry and has put a new emphasis on microelectronic engineering education.
July 16, 2020
Researchers develop new method to filter extracellular vesicles to improve diagnostics options
Researchers at RIT and the University of Rochester discovered an alternative to successfully purify biological particles to better understand how cells communicate with one another.