Select Faculty Scholarship

An ever growing body of research is produced by RIT’s Kate Gleason College of Engineering faculty at RIT, in a wide range of focuses and formats. Their professional accomplishments include books, journal articles, national and international presentations, provisional and full patents, and more. Each of these achievements contribute directly to RIT's reputation as a scholarship leader.


Linte, C.A. and Yaniv, Z., Kersten-Oertel, M., Rivaz, H., Xiao, Y. Special Issue on Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions & Cerebral Visualization - IET Healthcare Technology Letters Journal. 5(4) ed. Stevenage, UK: IET, 2019. Print.

Linte, C.A. and Yaniv, Z., Kersten-Oertel, M., Rivaz, H., Xiao, Y. Special Issue on Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions & Cerebral Visualization - IET Healthcare Technology Letters Journal. 5(4) ed. Stevenage, UK: IET, 2019. Print.

Peters, T. M., et al. Mixed and Augmented Reality in Medicine. 1st ed. London, UK: Taylor & Francis, 2019. Print.

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Refaii, Majed J. and Steven W. Day. "ABO Blood Group Point-of-Care Chip Testing." U.S. Patent U.S. Nonprovisional Patent Application No. 17/065,002, filed. 7 Oct. 2020.

Day, Steven W. "Motorized Wheel System for Pediatric Stander." U.S. Patent U.S. Patent Application Publication US 2019/0127011 A1 published. 2 May 2019.

Borkholder, David A., et al. "Pulse wave velocity, arterial compliance, and blood pressure." U.S. Patent U.S. Patent Application Publication US 2019/0083045 A1 published. 21 Mar. 2019.

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W., Goyal, Krittika Day, Steven. "Factors Affecting Wearable Electrode Performance and Development of Biomimetic Skin Phantom." New Advances in Biosensing. ?, ?: InTech Open, 2023. 1-18. Web.

Jalalahmadi, G., M. Helguera, and C. A. Linte. "Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Morphology, Risk Factors, Management and Image-based Modeling Strategies." Aortic Aneurysms: Signs, Symptoms and Management. Ed. Harky, A.. Liverpool, United Kingdom: Nova Publishers, 2020. 98-148. Print.

Linte, C.A. and Hacihaliloglu, I., Chen, E.C.S., Mousavi, P., Abolmaesumi, P., Boctor, E. "Interventional Imaging: Ultrasound." Handbook of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention. Ed. Zhou, K., Rueckert, D., and Fichtinger, G.. London, UK: Elsevier Academic Press. 1st edition, 2019. 701-720. Print.

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Roi, Avidan, Corrine Day, Steven W. Holzman,. "A power amplification dyad in seahorses." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290. (2023): 20230520. Print.

Riemann, M., et al. "Acrylonitrile and Pullulan Based Nanofiber Mats as Easily Accessible Scaffolds for 3D Skin Cell Models Containing Primary Cells." Cells 11. 3 (2022): 445. Web.

W., Krisher, James A. Malinauskas, Richard A. Day, Steven. "The effect of blood viscosity on shear-induced hemolysis using a magnetically levitated shearing device." Artificial Organs 46. 6 (2022): 1027-1039. Print.

Show 1175 More

Beam, C., N. F. Otani, and C. A. Linte. "Reconstructing Cardiac Wave Dynamics from Myocardial Motion Data." Proceedings of the Computing in Cardiology. Ed. Corsi, C. and Severi, S. Rimini, Italy: IEEEE, 2020. Web.

Upendra, R R., S. Dangi, and C. A. Linte. "Automated Segmentation of Cardiac Chambers from Cine Cardiac MRI Using an Adversarial Network Architecture." Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided procedures, Robotic Interventions and Modeling. Ed. Linte, C. A. and Fei, B. Houston, TX: SPIE, 2020. Web.

Hasan, SM K. and C. A. Linte. "CondenseUNet: a memory-efficient condensely-connected architecture for bi-ventricular blood pool and myocardium segmentation." Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided procedures, Robotic Interventions and Modeling. Ed. Linte C. A. and Bei, B. Houston, TX: SPIE, 2020. Web.

Show 1115 More

Ganter, Matthew, et al. "Mechanically Patterned Carbon Nanotube Enabled Electrode and Method." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 330P295. 19 Jul. 2022.

Kwasinski, Andres and Fatemeh Shah Mohammadi. "Radio Spectrum Sharing Leveraging Link Adaptation in Primary Network." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 16452706. 26 Dec. 2019.

Ganguly, Amlan, et al. "Direct Server-to-Server Wireless Data Center Network and Method thereof." U.S. Provisional Patent Application 16388007. 24 Oct. 2019.

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CA, Linte. "Virtual and Augmented Medical Imaging Environments: Applications to Simulation, Training, Surgical Planning and Interventional Guidance." Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing. (2016). Print.

CA, Linte. "Virtual and Augmented Medical Imaging Environments: Applications to Simulation, Training, Surgical Planning and Interventional Guidance." Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing. (2016). Print.

Linte, CA and ZR Yaniv. "When Change Happens: Computer Assistance and Image Guidance for Minimally Invasive Therapy." Healthcare Technology Letters. Vol. 1. Pp. 2-5. (2014). Print.

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CA, Linte and Yaniv ZR. "Image-guided Interventions: We’ve Come a Long Way, But Are We There?" IEEE Pulse. (2016). Web.

Linte, CA and Z Yaniv. "If We Can See It, We Can Fix It: From Medical Imaging to Guidance Environments for Computer-assisted Interventions." IEEE Life Sciences. (2015). Web.

Celano, L and CA Linte. "Propelling your Career." IEEE Pulse. (2015). Web.

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Upendra, R.R. "An Adversarial Network Architecture Using 2D U-Net Models for Segmentation of Left Ventricle from Cine Cardiac MRI." Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. Ed. Penzel, T. Berlin, Germnay: n.p..

Jalalahmadi, G. "A Computational Framework for Studying the Biomechanical Behavior and Severity of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms." Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Conference. Ed. Auguste D, Leach and Lele T. Philadelphia, PA: n.p..

Upendra, R.R. "Left Ventricle Segmentation from Cine Cardiac MRI Using Adversarial Network Architecture." Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Conference. Ed. Auguste D, Leach and Lele T. Philadelphia, PA: n.p..

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Kwasinski, Andres. "Foundations of Signal Processing [Book Reviews]." Rev. of Foundations of Signal Processing [Book Reviews], ed. Cambridge University Press. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 2016: 163-164. Print.

Dill, Ken A. "Annual Reviews of Biophysics." Rev. of Design Principles of Length Control of Cytoskeletal Structures, by Lishibanya Mohapatra, et al. Design Principles of Length Control of Cytoskeletal Structures 26 Apr. 2016: 85-116. Web.

Karin, Wuertz-Kozak,, ed. Musculoskeletal Pain, Frontiers in Pain Research. Lausanne: Frontiers, 2021. Web.

Karin, Wuertz-Kozak,, ed. International Journal of Molecular Science, Section “Molecular Pathology, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics”. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2021. Web.

Karin, Wuertz-Kozak,, ed. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2020. Web.

Show 47 More

Lukowiak, Marcin. Efficient hardware implementations of MK-3. By Alan Kaminsky, et al. 7 Apr. 2016. CEIS University Technology Showcase 2016, Rochester. Exhibit.

Kval, Survi. Image & Video Super Resolution Via Compressed Sensing. By SohaiL Dianat and L.K. Mestha. 5 Apr. 2012. CEIS University Technology Showcase, Rochester. Exhibit.

Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso. Computational Tools for Advanced Gear Design. 7 Apr. 2016. 16th Annual University Technology Showcase, Rochester. Exhibit.

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Linte, C. A. "A Modeling Approach to Cardiac Ablation Lesions: An Engineering Perspective." Atrial Fibrillation Symposium. Johnson & Johnson Institute & Biosense Webster. Madrid, Spain. 14 Feb. 2020. Lecture.

Day, Steven W, Matthew Poskus, and Thomas R Gaborski. "Computational Modeling of Blood Damage and Mass Transport in a Membrane-based Microfluidic Device." ASAIO Annual Meeting. ASAIO. Virtual, On Demand. 10-13 Jun. 2020. Conference Presentation.

Gaborski, TR. "Development of Nanopocket Membranes for Tangential Flow Analyte Capture (TFAC) of Extracellular Vesicles." North American Membrane Society Annual Meeting. North American Membrane Society. Phoenix, AZ. 20 May 2020. Conference Presentation.

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Ban-Zikri, Yehuda Kfir. Visualization & Image Processing (VIPImage) Conference. Best Student Paper Award. Porto, Portugal, 2019.

Ban-Zikri, Yehuda Kfir. Visualization & Image Processing (VIPImage) Conference. Best Student Paper Award. Porto, Portugal, 2019.

Hill, Nicole and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas. AES. TravelGrant to attend the 2018 AES Annual Meeting at Scix. Atlanta, GA, 2018.

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6/6/2011 - 7/29/2011
     Air Force Research Laboratory
     Amount: $10,400

7/1/2017 - 6/30/2021
     NIH-DHHS (RO1 Program)
     Amount: $764K

1/1/2016 - 8/15/2016
     Verily Life Sciences
     Amount: $83,000

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Cress, C.D., C.M. Schauerman, B.J. Landi, S.R. Messenger, R.P. Raffaelle, and R.J. Walters. “Radiationeffects in single walled carbon nanotubepapers.” Journal of Applied Physics, 107.1(2010): 1-5. Web. " É *

Landi, B.J., C.D. Cress, and R.P. Raffaelle. “High energy density lithium ion batteries with carbon nanotube anodes.” Journal of Materials Research, 25.8 (2010): 1636. Print. É *

DiLeo, R.A., M.J. Ganter, R.P. Raffaelle, B.J. Landi.“Germanium-Single Wall Carbon NanotubeAnodes for Lithium Ion Batteries.” Journal of Materials Research, 25.8 (2010): 1441-1446. Print. " É *

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Merkel, C., D. Kudithipudi, and A. Kwasinski. “Lightweight Energy Prediction Filters for Solar-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks.” 6th International Workshop on Unique Chips and Systems (UCAS-6). Atlanta, GA. 4 December 2010. Presentation. "  *

Collison,Christopher. “Strategies for improved efficiency and sustainability of bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic devices.” Chemistry Department Seminar. University of Maryland. 15 September 2010. Presentation. " 

Collison, Chris, Amber Monfette, Jessica Alexander, JasonStaub, Annick Anctil, Paul Jarosz, Susan Spencer and Harry Hu. “Potential New Candidates for Near-Infra-Red-Absorbing Active Layers in Multijunction Organic Photovoltaics: Characterization and Performance.” MRS National Spring Meeting Organic Photovoltaic Science and Technology symposium. San Francisco, CA. 8 April 2010. Presentation. " 

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Kurinec,Santosh. Microelectronics and Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Education.Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Education Society, 2010. Print.

Kandlikar, S.G., ed. Heat Exchanger Design Handbook. Redding, CT: Begell House, 2010. Print.

IEEE Fellow

Tsouri, G.R. “Towards Implementing a Fully Wireless Multiple-Lead Electrocardiograph.” 5th InternationalConference on Body Area Networks. Corfu, Greece. 10-12 Sept. 2010. Presentation. É  *

Laury, Dean J. "Which Associate Degree Programs Should NTID’s Department of Engineering Studies Offer? A Decision-Analysis Dissertation." Diss. University of Rochester, 2016. Print.

Moran, M., H. Shapiro, D. Boettner, and M. Bailey. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 7th Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010. Print. É