Multidisciplinary Senior Design Project

18963 Heated All-Season Bird Feeder

The automatic all season bird feeder is inspired by a middle schooler's creativity and desire to create an outdoor bird feeder that does not need to be refilled often and is fully weather proof. This bird feeder is capable of dispensing seeds remotely and going long periods without the need of being recharged or refilled. A remote control is used from a distance of up to 100 yards to dispense bird feed on demand or at preset intervals. The feeder is designed to have a pyramid-shaped roof to effectively shed snow in the winter and keep all seed and electrical components dry during rainstorms. This device combines the expertise of mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering students to create a product that is perfect for bird lovers everywhere.

Team Members
Julia LaMarra
Giovanni Oliver
Grace Boudreau
Kyle Kiteveles
Ian Chasse
Stephen Pellow