On Campus Service Project: Giving Tuesday's Hunger Project

Event Image
image of a student wearing an orange hair net, smiling, and packaging food.

Join in on RIT's annual Giving Tuesday event on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023. Three hundred RIT volunteers will team up with U.S. Hunger to package and prepare 30,000 nutritious meals for RIT FoodShare and Rochester's FoodLink.

With music booming, lentils flying, and a sea of orange hairnets, volunteers will work together to create a truly dynamic experience...and the by-product?  Healthy meals packaged for hungry community members along the way.

Bill St. Jean
Event Snapshot
When and Where
November 14, 2023
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Room/Location: Gordon Field House & Activities Center

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?


commitment to goodness
community outreach
student experience