Academic Support
myRIT Portal
RIT students have quick and easy access to academic resources and tools via the myRIT portal. Once logged in, view the University-wide and College Specific resources, which contains links to services and resource guides that help you successfully navigate your academic journey. Here, you’ll find information about accessing course materials, enrolling in classes, scheduling a meeting with your advisor, connecting with tutoring services, and much more.
Navigating College Academics
Thriving in a college environment requires academic independence and responsibility. The rigorous coursework and complex subject matter can feel overwhelming, and that is why it is so important to be aware of and connect with available resources early.
Build your support network by connecting with academic support professionals and RIT resources.
Academic Advising
Your academic success team starts with your primary academic advisor who will partner with you as you take responsibility for your learning, making decisions that will positively advance your personal, educational, and professional goals.
Academic Services
Academic Success Center
The Academic Success Center assists and empowers RIT students to achieve academic success through academic coaching, individual and group tutoring, workshops, classes, and presentations.
English Language Center
The English Language Center offers a comprehensive, intensive academic program that provides English language instruction in a cross-cultural learning environment to prepare international students for success at RIT. Courses are offered at seven proficiency levels from basic to advanced academic.
Expressive Communication Center
Students meet with peer consultants for help with all phases of presentation preparation and delivery.
Learn more about the Expressive Communication Center
Schedule an appointment
RIT Libraries advance knowledge, spark creativity, and connect communities. Search collections; access services such as borrowing book, laptops, and other equipment; get help with research writing and publishing; and more.
The Office of the Registrar maintains the official academic records for current and former students. The office publishes an online registration guide; coordinates registration; schedules classrooms; produces the final exam schedule; handles all corrections to student data; verifies enrollment and degrees; processes transcript requests; and prepares and mails diplomas.
RIT offers a number of free tutoring centers where students can drop in for help.
Writing Center
Faculty in the University Writing Program and the undergraduate and graduate writing consultants in the Writing Center provide instruction, consulting, and guidance on academic and professional writing for students at all stages of their RIT careers.
Learn more about the Writing Center
Make a Writing Center Appointment
Individualized Support Services
Diversity Education Programs
Programs offered through the Division of Diversity and Inclusion offer tailored support and resources that address the unique challenges faced by diverse student groups, fostering an inclusive environment conducive to academic achievement and equitable opportunities for success.